Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/152

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94 COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. (n.c. 550), is an early or archaic example, with sculptured reliefs, trom which the tomb is named, and is now in the British Museum. The Nereid Monument (h.c. fifth century), Xanthos, is generally considered to have been erected as a trophy monument. Important fragments discovered by Sir Charles Fellows, and the model in the British Museum, indicate a building consisting of a central chamber or cella surrounded by a colonnade of fourteen Ionic columns, the whole elevated on a basement standing on two steps. The sculptured figures of nereids or marine nymphs, from which the building takes its name, originally stood between the columns and had under them marine attributes. This monument has important sculptured friezes, acroteria and pediments. The Mausoleum, Halicarnassos (No. 35), was the most famous tomb. It was erected to the King Mausolos (b.c. 353) by his widow Artemisia, and consisted of a square plinth supporting a tomb-chamber, which was surrounded by Ionic columns and sur- mounted by a pyramidal roof with a marble quadriga and group of statuary at its apex (see p. 108). The architects were Satyros and Pythios, and Scopas was the superintendent sculptor. Portions of the frieze, the statue of Mausolos and Artemisia, with the horses and chariots of the quadriga, and other fragments are in the British Museum. The Lion Tomb, Cnidus (No. 36), also consists of a square basement surrounded by a Doric colonnade of engaged columns surmounted by a stepped roof, and crowned with a lion, now in the British Museum. The interior was circular and roofed with a dome in projecting horizontal courses. The Sarcophagus from a Tomb at Cnidus (No. 36 e, g) is an interesting and beautiful example of a smaller type, as is also the Tomb of the Weepers (b.c fourth century) (No. 36 h), found at Sidon (now in the Museum at Constanti- nople), which is executed in the form of a miniature Ionic temple, having sculptured female figures between the columns. The so-called Alexander Sarcophagus (b.c fourth century), found near Sidon, and now in the Constantinople Museum, is the most beautiful and best preserved of all. It is so called because its sides, which are of marble, represent battle and hunt- ing scenes in which Alexander was engaged, and is especially remarkable for the colored work which is still preserved on the sculpture. There are also important examples of rock-cut tombs at Cyrene (North Africa) and Asia Minor (No. 41 f), and reference has also been made to the Lycian Tombs (page 37), of which the two brought to London by Sir Charles Fellows in 1842 are now in the British Museum. The Stele was a class of tombstone in the design of which the Greeks excelled. It consisted of a flat stone placed upright in the ground like a modern tombstone and crowned with the