Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/166

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I08 COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. of JEginsL, the Heraion, Olympia, and the Temple of Apollo Epicurius, Bassae), the tympana of the pediments, the acroteria at the base and summit, the sculptured metopes in the Doric frieze, and the Caryatides, as at the Erechtheion (Nos. 300,42 0,44 m) ; mention might also be made of the series of magnificent figure sculptures to the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon in Asia Minor, of which the great frieze or " Gigantomachia " is now in the Berlin Museum, (b.) Scitlptitred reliefs as seen on stele-heads (No. 42 h). (c.) Free-standing statuary, consisting of groups, single figures, bigas (two-horse chariots), or quadrigas (four- horse chariots) (page 94). Color was largely used on buildings, and many traces are left, as already mentioned (page 53). In many instances the stonework, as in the Temples at Psestum and in Sicily, brickwork, and in some instances marble, were covered with carefully-prepared cement to receive wall paintings or color decoration, which appears to have been almost universal, especially in buildings of the Doric order. This cement casing was also capable of a high polish, and Vitrnvius mentions that well-polished stucco would reflect like a mirror. 5, REFERENCE BOOKS. Anderson (W.J.) and Spiers (R. Phene). — " The Architecture of Greece and Rome. A Sketch of its Historic Development." 8vo. 1902. "The Unedited Antiquities of Attica" (Dilettanti Society). Folio. Boetticher(C.). — " DieTektonik der Hellenen." Folio. Berlin, 1874. Boetticher. — " Die Akropolis von Athen." Svo. Berlin, 1888. Chipiez (C). — " Histoire critique des Ordres Grecs." 8vo. Paris, 1876. Clarke (J. T.) and others. — " Investigations at Assos (1881-83)." Folio. Boston, igo2. Cockerell(C. R.). — "The Temples at ^gina and Bassse." Folio, i860. D'Espouy (H.). — " Fragments de I'Architectiire Antique." Paris, i8gg. Defrasse (A.) and Lechat (H.). — " Epidaure ; restauration et descrip- tion des principaux monuments du Sanctuaire d'Asclcpios." Folio. Paris, 1895. Dorpfeld(W.). — " Das Griechische Theater." Sur folio. Athens, i8g6. Durm (J.). — " Die Baukunst der Griechen." 4to. Darmstadt, 1892. Fergusson (J.). — "The Parthenon." 8vo. 1883. Frazer (J. G.). — Pausanias's Description of Greece. 6 vols., 8vo. 1898. Gardner (E. A.). — " Handbook of Greek Sculpture." 8vo. 1896. Inwood (H. W.). — "The Erechtheion at Athens." Folio. 1831. "The Antiquities of Ionia" (Dilettanti Society). 4 vols. 1769-1881. Laloux (V.). — " L'Architecture Grecque." 8vo. Paris. Laloux(V.) et Monceaux (P.). — " La restauration d' Olympic, I'histoire, les monuments, le culte et les fetes." Folio. Paris, 1889. Mauch (J. M. von). — " Die Architectonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Roemer." Folio. Berlin, 1875. Michaelis (A.). — " Der Parthenon." Folio. Leipzig, 1870-1871.