Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/168

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no COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. REFERENCE BOOKS— continued. Middleton (J. H.). — " Plan:; and Drawings of Athenian Buildings." 8vo. igo2. Murray (A. S.). — " History of Greek Sculpture." 2 vols., 8vo. i8go. Murray (A. S.). — "The Sculptures of the Parthenon." 8vo. 1903. Newton (C. T.) and Pullan (R. P.). — "A History of Discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus, and Branchidas." 3 vols., folio. 1862 -1863. Pennethorne (Sir J.). — " The Geometry and Optics of Ancient Archi- tecture." Folio. 1878. Penrose (F. C). — " An Investigation of the Principles of Athenian Architecture " (Hellenic Society). Folio. 1888. Pontremoli (E.) et Haussouillier (B.). — " Didymes : Fouilles de 1895 et 1896." Folio. Paris, 1903. Pontremoli (E.) et Collignon (M.). — " Pergame : restauration et description des monuments de rAcropole." Folio. Paris, igoo. Perrot (G.) and Chipiez (C). — "The History of Art in Primitive Greece." 2 vols., 8vo. 1894. '• Restaui'ations des Monuments Antiques, publiees par TAcademiede la France a Rome." Paris. 1877-1890. Ross (L.), Schaubert (E.), and Hansen (C). — " Die Akropolis von Athen ; Tempel der Nike Apteros." Folio. Berlin, 1836. Smith (Sir William). — " Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 3 vols., 8vo. Spiers (R. P.) — "The Orders of Architecture." Folio, igoi. Stuart (J.) and Revett (N.). — " Antiquities of Athens." 5 vols. 1762- 18:52. Verrall and Harrison. — " Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens." 8vo. 1890. Waldstein (C). -"The Argive Heraeum." 2 vols., 4to. Boston, 1902. Watt (J. C). — " Greek and Pompeian Decorative Work." Folio. 1897. Wilkins (W.). — " Antiquities of Magna Grgecia." Large folio. 1807. Church (A. J.). — "The Fall of Athens" (Historical Novel). 8vo. The student should visit the Greek Court at the Crystal Palace for the splendid model of the Parthenon facade, and also the British Museum for actual fragments of the sculptiu'es from the Temples.