Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/19

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CONTENTS. List of Illustrations . Prehistoric Architecture PART L— THE HISTORICAL STYLES. General Introduction ...... Egyptian Architecture ..... Western Asiatic Architecture .... Greek Architecture ...... Roman Architecture ...... Early Christian Architecture .... Byzantine Architecture ..... Romanesque Architecture in Europe (General Introduction) Italian Romanesque ..... French Romanesque ..... German Romanesque ..... Gothic Architecture in Europe (General Introduction English Architecture ...... Anglo-Saxon ...... Norman ....... Early English Gothic ..... Decorated Gothic ..... Perpendicular Gothic ..... Tudor ....... Scottish Architecture ..... Irish Architecture ...... French Gothic Architecture .... Belgian and Dutch Gothic .... German Gothic ....... Italian Gothic ....... Spanish Gothic ....... Renaissance Architecture (General Introduction) Italian Renaissance Architecture The Florentine School .... The Roman School ..... The Venetian School ..... Vicenza and Verona ..... PAGE XV — li I 4 9 32 45 III 176 192 217 228 246 258 267 278 327 328 335 341 349 356 359 360 362 385 393 404 424 437 446 446 456 475