Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/233

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ROMAN ARCHITECTURE. 175 REFERENCE BOOKS— Continued. Mail (A.).^" Pompeii : Its Life and Art," translated by F. W. Kelsey. New York, i8gg. Middleton (J. H.). — "The Remains of Ancient Rome." 8vo. 1892. Nibby (A.). — " Descri^one della Villa Adriana." Rome, 1827. Niccolini (F.). — "Arte Pompeiana : Monument! Scelti." Small folio. Naples, 1887. Niccolini (F.). — " Le Case e i Monumenti di Pompeii." Several vols, large folio. Naples, 1854-189-. Palladio (Andrea). — " I Quattro Libri deH'architetturadi A. Palladio." Venice, 1570, and other editions. The best English translations are those by Leoni(i7i5) and Ware (1738). See also the author's monograph, with Life and Work of Palladio, published in 1902. Paulin (E.). — " Thermes de Diocletian." Folio. Paris, 1877. Penrose (F. C). — " Temple of Jupiter Olympius. Transactions R.LB.A., vol. 4, p. 8. Piranesi (G. B. and F.). — " Antichita Romane." Forming about 30 or 40 large folio volumes, each containing a magnificent series of engravings of Buildings and Antiquities in Ancient Rome and its Environs. Circ. I 748- I 79 I. Pliny. — " Historiae Naturalis" (a.d. 23-79). Ponce (N.). — " Description des Bains de Titus." Paris, 1786. Tatham (C. H.). — " Etchings of Grecian and Roman Architectural Ornament." Folio. 1826. Taylor (G. L.) and Cresy (E.). — " The Architectural Antiquities of Rome, measured and delineated." 2 vols., folio. 1821-1822. Vignola (G. B. da). — " Cinque Ordini d'Architettura." Various English and French translations. 4to. Vitruvius (Marcus). — " The Architecture of." Translated from the Latin by Joseph Gwilt. Imp. 8vo. 1826. Vulliamy (H). — " Examples of Ornamental Sculpture in Architecture. Folio. 1818. Wood (R.). — " The Ruins of Palmyra and Baalbec." 2 vols. 1827. Church (A. J.). — " Roman Life in the Days of Cicero." (Historical Novel.) For Classic Orders, see : — - Chambers (Sir W.) — " The Decorative Part of Civil Architecture." Folio and 4to. Mitchell (C. F.). — " Classic Architecture." Folio. 1901. Mauch (J. M. von). — " Die Architektonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Roemer." Folio. Berlin, 1875. Normand(C). — " Parallel of the Orders of Architecture." Folio. 1829. Spiers (R. P.). — " The Orders of Architecture: Greek, Roman, and Italian." Folio. 1901. The student should visit the Crystal Palace for the Pompeian House and models of the Roman Forum, the Colosseum, Pantheon and other buildings. The British and the Victoria and Albert Museums should be visited for actual fragments.