Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/288

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230 COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. Dukedom of Spoleto and other concessions to Adrian, thus adding to his temporal power, and from this period connection with Byzantium was broken off. Gregory VII. ruled that the clergy should not marry, and that no temporal prince should bestow any ecclesiastical benefice, decisions which resulted in the struggles between the Guelphs and Ghibellines (page 405). V. Social and Political. — In Italy, especially in Tuscany, an artistic movement, in which architecture was most prominent, took place in the eleventh century, the daughter arts of painting and sculpture being in a state of inaction. The growth of an industrial population, the increase of commerce and the indepen- dent views caused by education, were important factors in the rise of Naples, Pisa and Amalfi and other cities for self-defence, owing to insufficient protection from Constantinople. vi. Historical. — Genoa, Pisa, and Amalfi sent merchant fleets to the ports of the Holy Land for the Eastern Fair at Jerusalem, and thus were brought in contact with Eastern art. At the commencement of the eleventh century, Pisa, the rival of Venice and Genoa, was the great commercial and naval power in the Mediterranean, and took the lead in the wars against the infidels, defeating the Saracens in a.d. 1025, 1030, and io8g at Tunis. The Pisans were defeated by the Genoese in 1284, which led to their decline. The rise of Florence dates from 1125, when, owing to the destruction of Fiesole, the inhabitants of this latter city moved there, and in the following century its growing commerce caused it to rival Pisa. Lucca was an important city at this period, being also a republic, and its architecture was influenced by that of Pisa. It was rent by the feuds of the two parties, the Guelphs and Ghibel- lines, the former supporting the power of the Popes and the latter that of the Emperors. 2. ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER. ITALIAN (central) NORTHERN EUROPEAN ROMANESQUE, ROMANESQUE. New ideas rarely found. Con- The principal aim is perfection structive boldness not sought after, in the construction of vaulting, less departure being made from which influenced the whole design the ancient Basilican type. The — as in Normandy and the Rhine Italians have always possessed a provinces, where vaulting was now greater capacity for beauty in being developed. Such treatment detail, than for developing a bold caused the introduction of many and novel construction into a new constructive ideas, complete style. The Byzantine influence was strong, especially in several districts, as Venice, Ravenna, and Pisa, which latter city in particular possesses a distinct style of its own.