Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/303

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ITALIAN ROMANESQUE. 245 5. REFERENCE BOOKS. Cattaneo (R.).— " Architecture in Italy from the Vlth to the Xlth Centuries." Translated from the Italian. i8g6. Cresy and Taylor. — " Pisa." 4to. 1829. Dartein (F. de). — " Etude sur I'Architecture Lombarde." 2 vols., folio. Paris, 1865-1882. Delhi (A. J.) and Chamberlin (G. H.). — "Norman Antiquities of Palermo and Environs." Folio. Boston, 1892. Gravina (D. D. B.).— " II Duomo di Monreale." 2 vols., large folio. Palermo, 1859. Griiner (L.).—"Terra-Cotta Architecture of North Italy." 4to. 1867. Hittorff (J. I.) et Zanth (C. L. W.).—" Architecture Antique de la Sicile." Folio. Paris, 1827. Knight. — " Normans in Sicily." 8vo. 1838. Knight (H. G.). — " Saracenic and Norman Remains to Illustrate the Normans in Sicily." Folio. 1830. Rohault de Fleury. — "Monuments de Pise au Moyen Age." 2 vols., folio and 4to. Paris, 1866. Osten (F.). — " Die Bauwerke in der Lombardei vom 7 bis 14 Jahrhunderts." Folio. Darmstadt, 1846- 1S54. Salazaro (D.). — " Studi sui Monumentidella Italia meridioni dal IV al XIII'^' Secolo." 2 vols., folio. Napoli, 1871-1877. Schulz (H. W.) — " Denkmaeler der Kunst des Mittelalters in Unter- italien." 3 vols., folio and 4to. Dresden, i860. Street (G. E.).— " Brick and Marble Architecture of North Italy." 8vo. 1874. "Harrison (F.). — " Theophano." (Historical Novel).