Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/415

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ENGLISH GOTHIC (THE PERPENDICULAR STYLE). 357 Neale (J. P.). — "History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster." 2 vols., 4to. 1818. Neale (J.). — " The Abbey Church of St. Alban, Hertfordshire." 1877. Paley (E. G.). — " Gothic Mouldings." 8vo. i8gi. Parker (J. H.). — " Glossary of Terms used in Gothic Architecture." 3 vols., 8vo. 1830. Parker. — " Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture." igoo. Prior (E. S.). — " A History of Gothic Art in England." 8vo. 1900. Pugin (A. and A. W.). — " Examples of Gothic Architecture." 1838. Piigin (A.). — " Specimens of Gothic Architecture." 2 vols., 4to. 1821. Rickman (T.). — " Gothic Architecture." 8vo. 1881. Scott (Sir G. Gilbert). — " Lectures on Mediaeval Architecture." 1879. Scott (G. G.). — "An Essay on the History of English Church Architecture." 4to. 1881. Sharpe (E.). — " Seven Periods of English Architecture." 8vo. 1870. Sharpe. — " Architectural Parallels." Large folio. 1848. Sharpe. — "Mouldings of the Six Periods of British Architecture." 1871-74. Sharpe. — "A Treatise on the Rise and Progress of Window Tracery in England." 2 vols., 8vo. 1849. Statham (H. H.), Editor. — " Cathedrals of England and Wales." (The "Builder" Series.) Folio. 1898. This n'ovk is specially valuable on account of its splendid series of plans to a large scale. Turner (T. H.) and Parker (J. H.).— " Some Account of the Domestic Architecture in England during the Middle Ages." 3 vols., 8vo. 1859-1877. Walcott (M. E. C.). — " Church and Conventual Arrangement." i860. Wickes (C). — " Spires and Towers of the Medieval Churches of Eng- land." 3 vols., folio. 1853-1859. Willis (R.).— " Vaults of the Middle Ages." (Trans. R.LB.A.) 1842. Historical Novels: Roman Occupation. — Cutts (E. L.). " The Villa of Claudius." Anglo-Saxon. — Creswick (P.). " Under the Black Raven." Norman {nth Cent.). — Blake (M. M.). " The Siege of Norwich Castle." Norman {12th Cent.). — Scott (Sir W.). " Ivanhoe." Early English {i^th Cent.). — Green (E. E.). "A Clerk of Oxford." Decorated {14th Cent.). — Fairless (M.). "The Gathering of Brother Hilarius." Perpendicular {i^th Cent.) — Lytton. " The Last of the Barons." Perpendicular {iQth Cent., ist half). — Ainsworth (H.). "Windsor Castle." Note. — A careful study of the buildings themselves is necessary to appreciate thoroughly the progress of the style, and many being within the reach of the student, measured drawings and sketches should be made of these, which will impress the different features on the mind more thoroughly than study solely from books. In London, besides the examples already mentioned after each period, an important collection of architectural casts of each period can be seen at the Royal Architectural Museum, Tufton Street, Westminster, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the Crystal Palace.