Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/47

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xli No. Name. 191. Florentine Renaissance Examples — I. — coiitimied. Palazzo Riccardi. main cornice . . B ,, ,, elevation . D ,, ,, plan . . G 192. Palazzo Riccardi, Florence . 193. Florentine Renaissance Examples — II. Pazzi Chapel, plan .... a ,, ,, elevation . ,, ,, section S. Lorenzo, plan .... S. Andrea, Mantua, plan ,, ,, ,, long section . ,, ,, ,, porch S. Spirito, capital .... ,, ,, plan .... ,, ,, long, section 194. Florentine Renaissance Ornament. Duomo of Fiesole, console from tomVj Palazzo Vecchio, capital Medici Chapel, Santa Croce, corbel Palazzo Strozzi, window ,, Gondi, ,, ,, Pandolfini, window . ,, ,, pilaster . Mercato Nuovo, niche . Banner bracket Piazzo Annunziata, bronze fountain Palazzo Guadagni, lamp bracket . 195. Palazzo Giraud, Rome 196. Roman Renaissance Examples -I. Cancellaria Palace, elevation 197. 198. plan Massimi Palace, elevation ,, ,, plan Farnese Palace, Rome . Roman Renaissance Examples — II. Farnese Palace, Rome — A B C D E F G, J H K L ( Grandjean et ( Famin. ! Waring and ( Macquoid. f Grandjean et ( Famin. Photo. Grandjean et Famin. D'Agincourt. I D'Agincourt. I Waring and I Macquoid. I Grandjean et ) Famin. Raschdorff. f Waring and { Macquoid. Raschdorff. Photo. - Letarouilly. fT. F. Suys et L. P. Haude- l bourt. Photo. ijeiaiis 01 uiaiii coin ICC . c Front fa9ade . D Elevation of cortile E Letarouilly. Plan F Section and plan through loggia G, H Upper plan J '