Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/494

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436 COMPAKATIVli ARCHITECTIKE. employed ci'estin<;s and tiacerics adapted to the material. Few tilings in Spain are more original and artistic than these Rejas. INlagnificent stalls, each provided with a separate canopy and crowned with a tall spire, are common, J^arcelona Cathedral having some resembling those at Chester, wliile bishops' thrones, pulpits, lecterns and choir desks were also elaborately treated. 5. REFERENCE BOOKS. " MonimuMitos Aniuilcctdiiicos de Espafia " (a inai,Miitic(Mit work issued under the auspices of the Spanish Government). 89 parts, atlas folio (not completed). Madrid. 1859-1879. Street (G. E.). — " Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain." 8vo. 1874. 'illa-Amil (G. P. de). — " Espana Artistica y Monumental." 3 vols., folio. Paris, 1S42-1850. Waring (J. B.). — "Architectural Studies in Burgos." Folio. 1852. Waring (J. B.) and Macquoid (T. R.). — " Examples of Architectural Art in Italv and Spain." Folio. 1850. Roulet ("M. V. N.).— " God the King, My Brother." (Historical Novel.)