Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/531

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ITALIAN (ROMAN) RENAISSANCE. 473 adding the cupolas on either side of the great dome. These (Nos. 202, 203 e), excellent in themselves, are ineffective in relation to the whole mass. A.D. 1585-1590. — Giacomo della Porta and Domcnico Fontana erected the dome from Michael Angelo's wooden model. A.D. 1 605-1 6 1 2. — Carlo Madcrua, instructed by Paul V., lengthened the nave to form a Latin cross (No. 203 k), and erected the present contemptible fa9ade (No. 203 e). A.D. 1612. — Rainaldi appointed architect and prepared designs for campanile, but effected nothing. A.D. 1629-1667. — Bernini erected the fourfold colonnades in- closing the piazza, 650 feet wide, in front (Nos. 202, 203 k, e and 205). He also erected the brazen baldachino under the dome (No. 204) with metal taken from the portico of the Pantlieon. " With aims wide open to embrace The entry of the human race." — Browning. In Baron von Geymiiller's book, already mentioned, there is a plan, with the portions of separate dates colored differently, which is very interesting, and also a comparison drawn between the fundamental principles of design which characterize each scheme. Compare plans (No. 213) : S. Peter. Milan No. 176). S. Paul. S. Sophia (No. 80). Cologne. Area in sq. yds. 18,000 10,000 9-350 8,150 7,400 Length in yards 205 14S Pantheon (No. 54). 170 iiS 156 Florence (No. 176). Diani. of dome. 137 ft. 6 in. 142 ft. 6 in. 109 ft. 107 ft. 138 ft. 6 in, Other examples in Rome are : — The Papal Palaces (a.d. 1574-1590) on the Lateran, Quirinal and Vatican Hills, and the Chapel of Sixtus V. in S. Maria Maggiore (a.d. 1543-1607), were by Fontana. The portico to north transept of S. Giovanni in Laterano (15S6) is also by Fontana. The Facade of S. Giovanni in Laterano, by Galilei (a.d. 1734). The Portico to S. Maria Maggiore, by Fuga (a.d. 1743). The Palazzo Borghese (a.d. 1590), the Palazzo Barberini, by Maderna, and the Fountain of Trevi (a.d. 1735). Note. — Characteristic Roman ornament is shown in No. 206. 4. COMPARATIVE (see page 490).