Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/595

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SPANISH RENAISSANCE. 537 The Archbishop's Palace, Alcala, is also noteworthy, The " bracket " capitals, on the first fioor in the courtyard, are undoubtedly of wooden origin, their use being to decrease the long bearing of the architrave. The Casa Miranda, Burgos (No. 237), has a "patio" or courtyard, a feature mostly found in Spanish buildings, and the columns have typical bracket capitals. The Casa Lonja (Exchange), Seville, was built (1583-98) from the designs of the architect Herrera. It has a rich facade (No. 235), and a handsome "patio" surrounded by a double storied arcade in the Doric and Corinthian orders. It has been considerably extended at later periods, but much of the stone- work has remained uncarved. It is generally regarded as the best example of a municipal building in Spain. The Alcazar, Toledo, an ancient square castle of Moorish- Gothic architecture, has one fa9ade (a.d. 1548) (No. 236 a) in the early Renaissance of Charles V., while the interior possesses a fine " patio " surrounded by arcades in two stories, supported on Corinthian columns. On the south side is a grand staircase inclosed in a space, 100 feet by 50 feet, and having off the half landing a grand square two-storied chapel. The back elevation is an early example of a many-storied building in the classical style, the whole of this severe and monumental building being executed in granite. The Palace of Charles V., Granada, adjoining the " Alhambra," was erected in 1527 by Machuca and Berruguete, and is an important structure. In plan it is a square, 205 feet each way, inclosing an open circular court 100 feet in diameter. The external fa9ade is two stories in height, the lower being rusticated, and the upper having Ionic columns. Both basement and upper story have bull's-eye windows above the lower openings, so that mezzanines could be lighted where these occur. The circular internal elevation is an open colonnade in two stories, with the Doric order to the lower, and the Ionic order, of small height, to the upper story. The structure is built in a golden-colored stone, the central feature of the two visible facades being in colored marbles. The sculpture is by Berruguete, and the whole design, which is of the Bramante school, is the purest example of Renaissance in Spain. The palace was never roofed in or occupied. The Palace of the Escurial (No. 238 c), near Madrid, was commenced by Juan de Bautista for Philip II., but in 1567 Herrera was appointed architect. It is a group of buildings on a site 740 feet long by 580 feet wide, exclusive of palace, and con- sists of a monastevy, college, palace, and church, all grouped into one design. The grand entrance, in the centre of the long fa9ade, leads into an atrium, to the right of which is the college with its