Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/647

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ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. 589 Belcher (J.) and M. E. Macartney. — " Later Renaissance Architec- ture in England. 2 vols., folio. 1897-igoi. Birch (G. H.). — " London Churches of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries." Folio. i8g6. Blomfield(R.). — "A History of Renaissance Architecture in England." 2 vols., 8vo. 1897. (Also abridged edition. 8vo. igoo.) Clayton (J.). — "AVorks of Sir Christopher Wren — the Parochial Churches of London and Westminster." Folio. i84S-i84g. Gibbs (J). — " Book of Architecture." Folio. 1728. " Inigo Jones's Designs." By W. Kent. Folio. 1835. Paine (T.). — " Plans, etc., of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Houses." 2 vols., folio. 1767-1783. Papworth (W.). — " Renaissance and Italian Styles of Architecture in Great Britian." 8vo. 1883. Stratton (A.). — " The Life, Work, and influence of Sir Christopher Wren." Folio. i8g7. Swan (A.). — " Designs in Architecture." 2 vols., folio. 1757. Taylor (A. T.). — "Towers and Steeples designed by Sir Christopher Wren." 1881. Triggs(H. Inigo) and H. Tanner, jun. — "Some Architectural Works of Inigo Jones." Folio, igoi. Triggs (H. Inigo).—" Formal Gardens in England and Scotland." Folio. igo2. " Vitruvius Britannicns." By Campbell, Woolfe, and Gandon. 5 vols., folio. 1715-1771. Ware (I.). — "Complete Body of Architecture." Folio. 1756. Wren (C. and S.). — " Pareutalia." Folio. (Contains much interesting information concerning the life and work of Sir Christopher.) 1750. Hope (A.). — " Simon Dale." Lytton (Lord). — " Devereux." Scott (Sir W.).— " Woodstock." Thackeray (W. M.) — " Esmond." Thackeray (W. M.). — "The Virginians." Wingfield (L.). — "Lady Grizel." / THE EARLY VICTORIAN STYLE {the age of revivals), Comprises the reigns of George IV. (1820-30), William IV. (1830-37), and Victoria (part of) (1837-51). I. INFLUENCES (see page 545). 2. ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER. The notes on this period are merely given as explanatory of the general course of architecture at this time. The beginning of the century saw Palladianism on the decline, and the intro- duction of eclecticism as a governing idea in architectural design. On the one hand, isolation from the Continent, due to the Napoleonic wars, shut out new ideas in art, and on the other hand, Stuart and Revett's "Antiquities of Athens" (a.d. 1762), Robert Adam's " Spalato " (a.d. 1764), Inwood's " Erechtheion " Historical Novels.