Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/691

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INDIAN ARCHITECTURE. 633 plaster copy is at the Indian Museum, South Kensington) are represented legendary events from the life and religion of Buddha, the worship of trees and relics, and warlike scenes (No. 266 a). The three, five, or seven-headed Naga or serpent is frequently used. Besides the animals already mentioned, others such as horses, lions, "hansas" (sacred geese), form favourite subjects with Buddhist sculptors, and are a striking contrast to the motifs of Mahometan sculpture (page 680). Note. — In further India (or Indo-China), as in Burma, Siam, Java, and Cambodia, are temples, monasteries and pagodas, many of which are of great size and importance, but of which space does not admit of more than passing reference. 5. REFERENCE WORKS. Burgess (J.). — " ArchEeoIogical Survej' of Western India." 5 vols. 1874- 1883. Cole (H. H.). — " Illustrations of Ancient Buildings in Muttra and Agra." 2 vols., folio. 1869-1873. Cole (H. H.). — "Illustrations of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir." 4to. 1869. Cunningham (Sir A.). — "Archaeological Survey of India." 23 vols. Simla, 1871-1887. De Forest (L.). — " Indian Domestic Architecture." Folio. Boston, U.S.A., 1885. Fergusson (Jas.). — " Picturesque Illustrations of the Ancient Archi- tecture of Hindostan." Folio. 1848. Fergusson. — " Illustrations of the Rock-cut Temples of India." 8vo. and folio Atlas of Plates. 1845. Fergusson.— " Architecture at Ahmedabad." 4to. 1866. Fergusson. — " History of Indian and Eastern Architecture." 8vo. 1891. Griffin (Sir Lepel). — " Famous Monuments of Central India." 1886. Jacob (S. S.). — " Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details." 6 vols., folio. iSgo. Le Bon (G.). — " Les Monuments de I'lnde." Folio. 1893. Ram Raz. — " Architecture of the Hindoos." 4to. 1834. Smith (E. W.). — " Portfolio of Indian Architectural Drawings." Parts I. and II., folio. 1897.