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INDEX. 699 Arris (see Glossary). Art Galleries, Liverpool, 596. Art Union Buildings, London, 594. Artaxerxes, palace of, 41. Artemis (Diana), temple of, Ephesus, 58, 79, 84, 2'02. Ascension, church of, Jerusalem, 187. Ashburnham House, 569. Ashlar (see Glossary). Ashur-nasir-pal, palace of, 40. Asia Minor, architecture in, 55. Rock-cut Tombs, 94. Aspendus, theatre at, 147. Assisi, S. Francis, 419. Assize Courts, Birmingham, 596. Bristol, 595. Manchester, 595. Assyrian Architecture, 59. ornament, influence on Greek. 44. palaces, theories as to roofing. 40. sculpture, 44. Aston Hall, 555, 562. Astor Estate Office, London, 595. Astragal (see Glossary). Astylar, 448, 490, 592 (see Glossary). Atala Musjid, Jaunpore, 671. Atlantic City, library, 601. Athena, temple of, Corinth, 63. temple of, Syracuse. 66. temple of, Priene, 51, 79. Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall, London, 592. Athens, Acropolis, 55, 79. 93. Choragic monument of Lysi- crates, 85, 87, 169. Erechtheion, 58, 79, 81, 97, 591. Kapnikarea, church of the, 210. Lysicrates, monument of, 85, 87. Metropole Cathedral. 210. Odeion of Herodes Atticus, 147. Old Temple of Athena, No. 17. Parthenon, 51, 58, 61,66,67, 102. Propylsea, 58, 66, 79, 93, 100. Stadion at, 97. Stoa, or Portico, 85. Temple on the Ilissus, 79. Temple of Jupiter Olympius, 56, 58, 85. 87, 90, 123. Temple of Nike Apteros, 58. 79. Theatre of Dionysos, 92. Theseion, 58, 66, 67. Tower of the Winds, 58. 87, 88, 100. Atlantes (see Glossary). Atreus, treasury of, Mycene, 3, 54. 631. Atrium, 180 (see Glossary). Atrium Vestae, 162. Attic (see Glossary). Attic base, 77. Audiencia, Valencia, 542. Audley End, Essex, 562. Augustinian order, 219. Augustus, arch of. 153. mausoleum of, Rome, 157. Austin Friars, 220. Australia, architecture in, 597. Autun Cathedral, 249. Porte S. Andre, 156. Avebury, cromlech, 3. Avignon, Notre Dame, 248. Azay-le-Rideau, chateau, 503. Aztec architecture, 652. Baalbec, circular temple, 130, 136. Great Temple, 58, 125, 202. Temple of Jupiter, 125, 130. Babel, Tower of, 39. Babylonia, use of arch, 4. Babylonian architecture, 37. Bagdad, buildings at, 669. Bailey, 318. Baillur, temple, 623. Balbi, palace, Genoa, 496. Balcony, Venetian, 477. Baldachino, 181 (see Glossary). Ball-flower, 347 (see Glossary). Ballu, architect, 506. Balneum, Roman, 145. Baluster (see Glossary). Baluster mullions, 327. Balustrades, Elizabethan or Jacobean, 564- Bangor Cathedral, 504. Bank of England, Bristol, 592. Liverpool, 592. London, 582. Manchester, 592. Banks and Barry, architects, 594. Banqueting hall, Kensington Palace Gardens, 578. Banqueting house, Whitehall, 569. Baptisteries, Early Christian, 184. Constantine, Rome, 184. Florence, 417. Nocera, 184. origin of, 136. Pisa, 231. Ravenna, 184. treatment of in England, 189. France, 189. Germany, 189. Italy, 189. Baptistery (see Glossary). Barbarano Palace, 488. Barberini Palace, Rome, 473 staircase at, 490.