Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/760

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702 COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. Buddh-Gaya, tope, 612. Buddhist architecture, 6ro, 612. religion, 607. Rock-cut Temples, 611. Building Acts of Rome, 113. Buildings, Public, Greek, 97. Bullfinch, architect, 599. Buon, Giovanni and Bartolommeo, architects, 411. Barges, W., architect, 594. Burghley, Lord, tomb of, 565. Burghley, Northants, 557. Burgos, Casa Miranda, 537. Cathedral, 426, 433, 539. dome at, 426. Burlington, Earl of, architect, 48S, 580, 581. Burlington House, London, 594. Burma, architecture, 633. Burnham and Root, architects, 601. Burns, architect, 595. Burton, architect, 592. Burton Agnes House, Yorks, 553. Bury, chateau de, 500. Butcher Row, Shrewsbury, 322. Butterfield, architect, 594. Buttress, Norman, 332. Early English, 336. Decorated, 353. Perpendicular, 351. Buttress, use of, 269 (see Glossary). Buttresses, Flying, 299, 318, 337, 351, 373- Byzantine architecture, 192 (see Glos- sary). influence of, 194, 217, 230, 241. dome, 194, 490. mosaics, 198, 214. method of building, 197. ornament, 214. prototypes of churches, 187. sculpture, 214. walling, 194, 212. Ca d'Oro Palace, 411. Cadogan Square, houses in, London, 594. 596. Caen, Abbaye-aux-Dames, 250. Abbaye-aux-Hommes, 249. S. Pierre, 506. S. Nicolas, 250. Caen "Wood, Hampstead, 582. Cahors Cathedral, 248. Cairo, mosque of Amru, 659. El Muayyad, 663. Ibn Tooloon, 659. Kait-Bey, 659, 679, 680, 682. Kalaoon. 659. Cairo — continited. Sultan Barkook, 663. Sultan Hassan, 659, 678. Caisson (see Glossary). Caius College, Cambridge, Gate of Honour, 557. Calidarium, 141. Callicrates, architect, 66, 67, 79. Callimachus of Corinth, 85. Camberwell Church, 594. Cambiassi Palace, Genoa, 496. Cambodia architecture, 633. Cambridge, Caius College, Gate of Honour, 557. Christ College, 324. Clare College, 324. Quadrangle, 557. Corpus Christi College, 324. Downing College, 591. Emmanuel College, 557. Fitzwilliam Museum, 592. Girton College, 596. Gonville College, 324. Jesus College, 324. King's College, 324, 351, 354, 591. King's College Chapel, 289, 324, 351, 353. 376- Magdalen College, 324. Newnham College, 596. Pembroke College, 324, 595. Pembroke College Chapel, 576. Peterhouse College, 324. Queen's College, 324. Senate House, 581. Sidney Sussex College, 557. S. John's College, 324, 557. Trinity College, 324. Nevill. 557. New Court, 591. Trinity Hall College, 324. Cambridge, U.S.A., Craigie House, 598. Campanile, 237 (see Glossary). Campanile, S. Zenone, Verona, 239 420. Florence, 417, 420. Lucca, 420. Mantua, 420. Pisa, 231. Pistoja, 420. Siena, 420. Campbell, architect, 581. Campo Santo, Pisa, 417. Canada, architecture in. 597. Cancellaria Palace, 457. Canephora, 102. Canopies, 354 (see Glossary). Canossa Verona, 490.