Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/767

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INDEX. 709 English architecture — continued. Renaissance, 545. ornament, 588. styles of, 325. Tudor period. 356. Entablature (see Glossary). Entablature, main divisions, 53. 63, .77,87- Entasis (see Glossary). Entasis of columns, 51, 61. Ephesus (archaic temple), 77, 79, 84. Palaestra, 97. stadion at, 97. temple of Artemis, 58, 79, 84, 202. Epidauros, propylaea, 93. stadion at, 97. theatre at, 92. Tholos at, 58, 66, 87, 100. Erechtheion, Athens, 58, 79, 81, 97, 591.. caryatid portico. Si. doorway at, 100. pandroseion at, 81. Ermine Street. 280. Erwin von Steinbach, 396. Escurial Palace, Madrid, 161, 537, 542. Esher, Claremont House, 582. Eton College, 324. Etruscan architecture, 119. museum, Rome. 463. Etruscans, 5. 113. Eustyle (see Glossary). Evesham, bell tower, 351. Examination Schools, Oxford, 596. Exedra (see Glossary). Exeter Cathedral, 305, 332, 343. churches at, 597. Exeter College, Oxford, 324. Exhibition, Chicago, 599. 601. of 1851, 593. Philadelphia, 599. S. Louis, 599. Ezra, church at, 187. Fa9ade (see Glossary). Falaise, church at, 506. Fan vault (see Glossary). Fan vaulting. 288, 353, 381. Farnese Palace. Rome. 461, 592. Farnesina, Villa, Rome, 461. Farno, Basilica at, 139. Farsetti Palace, 237. Fascia (see Glossary). Faucis. 163. Faun, house of the, 163. Ferdinand and Isabella, 533. Ferrey, architect, 594. Fettes College, Edinburgh, 500. Field of the Cloth of Gold, result of, 549- Fiesole, theatre at. 147. Filarete, architect. 495, 505. Fillet moulding, 106 (see Glossary). Finial, Early English, 341. Decorated, 349. Perpendicular, 354. Firouzabad, palace, 667. Fitzroy Square, London, houses, 582. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 592. Flamboyant period, French Gothic, 368, 381. Flamboyant tracery, 380 (see Glos- sary). Flavian amphitheatre, 149. Fleche (see Glossary). Fleche, Amiens, 373, 378. Laon, 378. Flemish influence on Spanish Renais- sance, 544. Fleur-de-lis. 354. Florence, baptistery, 417. bronze baptistery gates, 441. campanile, 417, 420. Cathedral, 405, 417, 473. dome, 449. Gaudagni Palace, 454. Laurentian Library, 467. Loggia dei Lanzi, 417. Loggia S. Paolo, 448. Medici mausoleum, 467. Ospedale degli Innocenti, 448. Palazzo Vecchio, 417, 441. Pandolfini Palace, 449, 463, 592. Pazzi Chapel, 453. Pitti Palace, 449, 453, 506. Ponte alle Grazie, 411. Ponte Vecchio, 411. Renaissance at, 446. Riccardi Palace, 448, 449, 453. Ruccellai Palace, 453. S. Croce, 417. S. Lorenzo, 449, 467. S. Maria Novella, 417, 453. S. Miniato, 232. S. Spirito, 449. Strozzi Palace, 449, 454. Florence, H. L., architect, 596. Florida, Ponce de Leon Hotel, 6or. Fluting (see Glossary). Fluting, variety in Doric columns, 61. carried out In situ, 167. Flying-buttress, 299, 318. 337, 351, 373 (see Glossary). Foliage, stiff leaf, 341, 381. Folkestone, churches and schools, 597- Fondaco dei Turchi, 237.