Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/785

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INDEX. 727 Rome — continued. Columbaria. 157. Concord, temple of, 123. Corsini Palace, 490. Etruscan Museum, 463. Farnese Palac^, 461, 592. Farnesina Villa, 461. Flavian Amphitheatre (Colos- seum), 114, 149. Fora, 120. Fortuna Virilis, temple of, 123. Forum Romanum, 120. Forum of Trajan, 120. Fountain of Trevi, 473. Gens Cornelia, tomb of, 157. Gesu Church, 467. Giraud Palace, 440, 457. Jupiter Capitolinus, 90, 120. Mars Ultor, temple of, 123. Massimi Palace, 461. Mater Matuta, 130. Mausoleum of Augustus, 157, of Hadrian. 157. Maxentius, basilica of, 139 Minerva Medica, 145, 208. Nero's Golden House, 145, Palace of the Roman Emperors, 160. Palazzo Giraud, 440, 457. Pantheon, 59, 130, 147. hypaethral, opening at, 58. lighting of. 134, Papal Palaces, 473. Pyramid of Cestius, 158. Renaissance, 456. Romanesque towers, 231. Rostral columns, 156. S. Agnes, 496. S. Andrea, 467. S. Clemente, 180. S. Constanza, 187, S. Giovanni in Laterano, 182, 473- S. Lorenzo, 123, 463. S. Maria degH Angeli, 145. S. Maria Maggiore, 182. Chapel of Sixtus V., 473. S. Maria della Pace, 461. S. Maria della Vittoria. 496. S. Maria sopra Minerva, 419. S. Maria Egiziaca, 123. S. Paul, 182. 232. S. Peter. Rome, 467, 473. S. Peter (old Basilica). 182, S. Pietro in Montorio, tempietto. 461. S. Stefano Rotonda, 184. Sistine Chapel, 421, 445, 467. Rome — continued. Temple, Antoninus and Faustina, 123. Castor and Pollux, 123. Concord, 123. Fortuna Virilis, 123. Jupiter Capitolinus, 90, 120. Jupiter Stator (Castor and Pollux), 123. Mars Ultor, 123, 125. Mater Matuta, 130, 134. Minerva Medica, 145. Peace (Basilica Maxentius), 139- Saturn, 123. Venus and Rome, 123, 125. Vespasian, 123. Vesta, 59, 130. Theatre of Marcellus, 147. Thermae or baths, 141. of Agrippa, 145. Caracalla, 142. Diocletian, 145. Titus, 145, 173, 463. Tomb of Augustus, 157. Tomb of Cecilia Matella, 157. of the Gens Cornelia, 157. of Hadrian, 157. Tombs, 156. Trajan's Basilica, 139. column, 139, 156. Triumphal arches and pillars of victory, 153. Vatican Loggie, 463. Palace, 441. Villa Madama, 463. Pope Julius. 463. Rood-lofts, 354 (see Glossary). Roofs, aisle, 294. collar-braced, 293. of Greek temples, 56. hammer-beam, 291. Landshut, 398. mediaeval, 290. Nuremberg, 398. open timber, 290, 31S, 443. tie-beam, 290. trussed rafter, 291. Rose window (see Glossary). Roses, Wars of, result of, 457. Ross, architect, 601. Rosslyn Chapel, 359. Rosso, artist, 497. Rosso Palace, Genoa, 495. Rostral columns, 156. Rostrum (see Glossary). Rouen Cathedral, 373. Hotel de Bourgtheroulde, 506,