Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/795

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INDEX. 737 Vestibule at Eleusis, 87. Vettius, house of, 163. Vezelay, church at, 249. Vicenza, basilica at, 48S. churches and palaces, 408. Palazzo Barbarano, 488. Capitanio, 488. Chierecati, 488. Tiene, 488. Valmarana, 488. Renaissance at, 4S8. Teatro Olimpico, 488. Villa del Capra, 488, 582. Victoria and Albert Museum, 156.445, 447. 561, 565, 593, 597- Victory, pillars of, 153, 156 Vienna, Parliament House. 524. St. Stephen, 396. Vienne, church at, 249. Vignola, architect, 463.471, 497, 503, 571- Vignon, architect, 511. Viharas, Indian, 612, 614. Villa, 162. at Chiswick, 488, 581. del Capra, Vicenza, 488, 582. Farnesina. Rome, 461. of Hadrian, Tivoli, 163. Madama. 463. of Pope Julius, 463. Vimana, 611, 612, 614. Viollet-le-Duc, 13. restorations by, 376. theories on Egyptian architecture, . . 13- . Virginia University, 599. Visconti, architect, 505. 506. Vitre, chateau de, 506. Vitruvius, i, 51, 56, 90, 92, 93, 108, 120, 159, 438. Vitruvius Britannicus, 581. Vitruvius' canon of proportions forthe orders, 647. Volute (see Glossary). Volute, derivations of, 77. method of describing Ionic. 77. Voussoir see (Glossary). Vriendt, architect, 528. Vulliamy, architect, 461,594 Wadham College, Oxford, 557. Wakefield, bridge at, 324. Cathedral. 298. Walhalla. Munich, 524. Wall arcades, 335. rib, 287. tablets, 325, 588. Walls, Anglo-Saxon, 328. F... Wal 1 s — con tin ued. Belgian and Dutch Gothic, 390. Byzantine, 194, 212. Chinese, 646. Cyclopean, 54. Decorated, 343. Early Christian, 189. Early English. 336. Elizabethan and Jacobean, 562, French Gothic, 380. German Gothic, 401. (iothic, 269, 442. (ireek and Roman, 165. Indian, 629. Italian Gothic, 420. Norman. 332. Perpendicular, 351. Renaissance, 442, 490. Belgian, 532. English, 585. French, 512. German, 524. Italian, 490, 512. Spanish, 540. Roman, 115. Saracenic, 678. Walsh am, North, church, 294. Walsingham, Alan of, 304. Church, New, 294. Walters, architect, 599. Waltham Abbey, 332. Wanstead House, Essex, 581, War Office, London, 595. Ware, Isaac, architect, 581. Warkworth, bridge at, 325. Wars of the Roses, 547. Warwick, Beauchamp Chapel. 351. Warwickshire, Comptoa Wynyates, 322. Washington, U.S., Capitol at, 599. wings and domes, 599. Congressional Library at, 601. Treasury, 590. Waterhouse, Architect, 595. Watford, Church of the Holy Rood. 596. Watling Street, 280, Way, Fosse, 280. Weathering (see Glossary). Wel:)b, architect, 569, Webb. Philip, architect, 594, 595. Webb, Sir Aston, architect, 596, 597- Weepers, Tomb of the, 94. Wells Cathedral, 309, 336, 343, Welnetham Church, Little, 293. Welsh cathedrals, 305, 309. Western Asia, map, 32. ^ B