Page:A history of architecture on the comparative method for the student, craftsman, and amateur.djvu/88

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30 COMPARATIVE ARCHITECTURE. after which a colored wash was put over the whole, (b) The figures or hieroglyphics were then drawn on with a red line by an artist, being corrected with a black line by the chief artist ; (c) the sculptor next incised the outline, rounding slightly the inclosed form towards its boundaries ; (d) the painter then executed his work in the strong hues of the primary colors. (See the Egyptian Court at the Crystal Palace.) The hieroglyphics were often, how- ever, incised direct on the granite and then colored, as may be seen on the sculptures at the British Museum. They are instruc- tive as well as decorative, and from them is learnt most of what is known of Egyptian history (No. lo p). The Egyptians possessed great power of conventionalizing natural objects such as the lotus plant, the symbol of fertility and abundance, produced by the overflowing Nile, the palm, the papyrus, and others, each being copied as the motif for a design, being treated by the artists in a way suitable to the material in which they were working. The distinguishing, or essential, feature of the natural object, or its class, thus passed by a process of idealizing into forms adapted for ornamentation. 5. REFERENCE BOOKS. Champollion (J. F., le jeune). — " Monuments de I'Egypte at de la Nubie." 6 vols., folio. Paris, 1845. Choisy(A.). — " L'art debatirchez les Egyptians." Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1904. " Description de I'figypte " (known as " Napoleon's Egypt "). 23 vols., large folio. Paris, 1809-1822. Erman (A.). — " Life in Ancient Egypt." 8vo. 1894. Herz(M.). — " Mosqueedu Sultan Hassan auCaire." Folio. Cairo, 1899. Lepsius (R.). — " Denkmaeler aus Aegyptenund Aethiopien." 12 vols., large folio, and i vol. text. Berlin, 1849-1859. Maspero (G.).— "The Dawn of Civilization." 8vo. 1897. Perrot and Chipiez. — " History of Art in Ancient Egypt." 8vo. 1883. Petrie (W.N.F.). — " The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh." 4to. 1883. Petrie.- — "Ten Years Digging in Egypt." 8vo. 1892. Petrie. — " Egyptian Decorative Art." 8vo. 1895. Prisse d'Avennes (E.). — " Histoire de I'Art Egyptien." 2 vols., lai-ge folio, and text in 4to. Paris, 1879. Rawlinson (G.). — " History of Ancient Egypt." 2 vols., 8vo. 1881. Smyth (C. Piazzi). — " Life and Work at the Great Pyramid, 1865." 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1867. Publications of the " Archaeological Survey of Egypt " and the " Egypt Exploration Fund." Ebers (G.). — " An Egyptian Princess." (Historical Novel.) Haggard (H. Rider). — "Cleopatra. Ward (T.). — " The Sacred Beetle." Demy 8vo. 1902. The Egyptian Court at the Crystal Palace and the Egyptian Rooms at the British Museum give a good idea of the Architecture and decoration of the style. The latter place contains a most complete collection of Egyptian anticphties, which will give the student a better knowledge of the style than can be gleaned merely from books.