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CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 27 THE PICCADILLY NQVELS continued. Hide and Seek. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by Sir JOHN GILBERT and J. MAHONEY. The Dead Secret. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by Sir JOHN GILBERT and H. FURNISS. Queen of Hearts. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by Sir J. GILBERT and A. CONCANEN. My Miscellanies. By WILKIE COLLINS. With Steel Portrait, and Illustrations by A. CONCANEN. The Woman in White. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by Sir J. GILBERT and F. A. FRASER. The Moonstone. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by G. Du MAURIER and F. A. FRASER. Man and Wife. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by WILLIAM SMALL. Poor Miss Finch. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by G. Du MAURIER and EDWARD HUGHES. Miss or Mrs. ? By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by S. L. FILDES and HENRY WOODS. The New Magdalen. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by G. Du MAURIER and C. S. RANDS. TJte Frozen Deep. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by G. Du MAURIER and J. MAHONEY. The Law and the Lady. By WILKIE COLLINS. Illustrated by S. L. FILDES and SYDNEY HALL. The Two Destinies. By WILKIE COLLINS. V Also a POPULAR EDITION of WILKIE COLLINS'S NOVELS, post 8vo, illustrated boards, as. each. Felicia. By M. BETHAM-EDWARDS. With a Frontispiece by W. BOWLES. " A noble novel. Its teaching- is elevated, its story is sympathetic, and the kind of feeling its perusal leaves behind is that more ordinarily derived from music or poetry than from prose fiction. Few works in modern fiction stand as high in our estimation as this." SUNDAY TIMES. Olympia. By R. E. FRANCILLON. Under the Greenwood Tree. By THOMAS HARDY. Fated to be Free. By JEAN INGELOW. TJie Queen of Connaught. By HARRIETT JAY. TJie Dark Colleen. By HARRIETT JAY. ' ' A novel which Possesses the rare and valuable qua lity of novelty. . . . Tm scenery will be strange to most readers, and in many passages the aspects of Nature are very cleverly described. Moreover, the book is a study of a very curious and interesting state of society. A novel which no novel-reader should mtss, and which people who generally shun novels may enjoy." 1 SATURDAY REVIEW.