Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/287

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THE TEMPLARS. 271 Similar contradictions are observable in the evidence as to the ritual of reception. The details laid down in the Eule are accu- rately and uniformly described, but when the witnesses come to 474, 482, 487, 488.— Wilkins, Concilia, II. 358.— Schottmiiller, op. cit. II. 29, 50, 68, 70, 127, 410, 411.— Vaissette, IV. 141.— Stemler, pp. 124-5. It is in this multiform creature of the imagination that Dr. Wilcke (II. 131-2) sees alternately an image of John the Baptist and the triune Makroposopus of the Cabala. Among the few outside witnesses who appeared before the papal commission in 1310-11, was Antonio Sicci of Vercelli, imperial and apostolic notary, who forty years before had served the Templars in Syria in that capacity, and had recently been employed in the case by the Inquisition of Paris. Among his Eastern experiences he gravely related a story current in Sidon that a lord of that city once loved desperately but fruitlessly a noble maiden of Armenia; she died, and, like Periander of Corinth, on the night of her burial he opened her tomb and gratified his passion. A mysterious voice said, " Return in nine months and you will find a head, your son 1" In due time he came back and found a human head in the tomb, when the voice said, " Guard this head, for all your good-fortune will come from it !" At the time the witness heard this, Matthieu le Sauvage of Picardy was Preceptor of Sidon, who had established brotherhood with the Soldan of Babylon by each drinking the other's blood. Then a certain Julian, who had succeeded to Sidon and to the possession of the head, entered the Order and gave to it the town and all his wealth. He was subsequently expelled and entered the Hospitallers, whom he finally abandoned for the Pre- monstratensians (Proces, I. 645-6). This somewhat irrelevant and disconnected story so impressed the commissioners that they made Antonio reduce it to writ- ing himself, and lost no subsequent opportunity of inquiring about the head of Sidon from all other witnesses who had been in Syria. Shortly afterwards Jean Senandi, who had lived in Sidon for five years, informed them that the Templars purchased the city, and that Julian, who had been one of its lords, entered the Order but apostatized and died in poverty. One of his ancestors was said to have loved a maiden and abused her corpse, but he had heard noth- ing of the head (lb. II. 140). Pierre de Nobiliac had been for many years be- yond seas, but had likewise never heard of it (lb. 215). At length their curiosity was gratified by Hugues de Faure, who confirmed the fact that Sidon had been purchased by the Grand Master, Thomas Berard (1257-1273), and added that after the fall of Acre he had heard in Cyprus that the heiress of Maraclea, in Trip- oli, had been loved by a noble who had exhumed her body and violated it, and cut off her head, a voice telling him to guard it well, for it would destroy all who looked upon it. He wrapped it up and kept it in a coffer, and in Cyprus, when he wished to destroy a town or the Greeks, he would uncover it and accomplish his purpose. Desiring to destroy Constantinople he sailed thither with it, but his old nurse, curious to know what was in the coffer so carefully preserved,