Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/691

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INDEX. G75 Bonn, Tanchelmites burned in, i. 65. Cathari burned in 12th cent., i. 113. Bonrico di Busca, case of, i. 386. Books, burning of, i. 554. Luther's, condemned, ii. 284. Wickliff's burned, ii. 446. Huss's burned, ii. 490. Arnaldo de Vilanova's burned, iii. 85. astrological, burned, iii. 446. of magic to be burned, iii. 438, 453. Villena's burned, iii. 490. censorship of, iii. 612. Bordeaux, wealth of Templars in, iii. 251. C. of, in 1255, on judgments of blood, i. 223. Borel, Francois, his persecution of Wal- denses, ii. 152-6, 261, 263. Bortolamio, Bp. of Vicenza, ii. 223, 234. Bos homes, i. 118. Bosnia, recurrence of Cathari to, ii. 256. career of Catharism in, ii. 291. Inq. organized in, ii. 299. Bourges, Pastoureaux in, i. 271. inq. of, ii. 141. C. of, in 1225, i. 194. C. of, 1432, on Waldenses, ii. 157. Boys, age of responsibility, i. 403. Brabant, Lollards in, ii. 368. Braccio da Montone, iii. 569. Braine, Cathari burned in, 1204, i. 131. Brancaleone, crusade preached against him, ii. 226. Branda, his reforming decree, ii. 527. Brandeis, Synod of, in 1490, ii. 565. Brandenburg, demon worship in, 1337, ii. 375. Waldenses in, ii. 416, 435. Templar property in, iii. 330. Branding for heresy, ii. 182. Brandt, Sebastian, his ferocity against Do- minicans, ii. 424. Braunsberg, sorcery in laws of, iii. 432, 536. Bread, holy, of the Cathari, i. 94. of the Waldenses, ii. 146. dipped in wine for Eucharist, ii. 472. and water the prison diet, i. 488, 491. Brehal, Jean, inq., rehabilitates Joan of Arc, iii. 378. Bremen, Abps. of, and the tithes, iii. 183. C. of, 1230, on the Stedingers, iii. 185. Brennon, Roger, defends witches, iii. 545. Brescia, Bp. of, on quarrel over blood of Christ, ii. 172. heretic troubles in, 1224, ii. 198. captured by Ezzelin da Romano, ii. 227. case of Guido Lacha, ii. 242. heresy in, 1457, ii. 271. witches of, contest over, i. 539 ; iii. 546. Breslau, John of Pirna in, ii. 431. Sigismund's cruelty, ii. 515. Capistrano's labors, ii. 548. Brethren, Apostolic, iii. 303. Brethren of the Common Life, ii. 361. Brethren of the Cross, ii. 407. Brethren of Felipe of Majorca, iii. 88, 1 Brethren of the Free Spirit- , Oi tii- bensi their origin, ii. 323. in Fiance, ii. 128, 126, 400, 578. in Bohemia, ii. 518. Brethren of the Hermitages, iii. 172. Bretonelle, Jean, on the blood of Chriit ii 171. Briancon, persecution in, ii. 152, 157, 160. Bribery of the curia, i. 195; ii. 90, 628. of inqs., i. 477. Bridges, fines used for, i. 474. Brigandi, i. 125. Britanny, Cathari in, i. 112. no heretics in, i. 127. sorcerers and heretic! in, iii. 537. Brixen, Bp. of, drives inq. away, iii. .',41. Brocken, witches' gathering-place, iii. 500. Broddurch Gottl ii. 353, 412. Bruges, Tanchelm expelled from, i. 65. Bruguiere Bart., case of, iii. 151, 654. Brulliano, Observantines founded at, iii. 172. Briinn, Dominican scandal in, i. 274. Sigismund at, in 1419, ii. 514. Bruno of Segni reproaches Paschal II iii. 181. Brussels, Ortlibenses in, ii. 377. Buda, C. of, 1279, on judgments of blood, i. 223. suppression of council in, ii. 298. Bugres, i. 115. Buildings of Inq., i. 373; ii. 145. Bulgari, i. 115. Bulgaria, its submission to Rome, ii. 292. inq. provided for, ii. 311. Bull in Casna Domini on forgeries, i. 19. George Podiebrad cursed in, ii. 558. Burchard, Bp., does not allude to heresy, i. 218. denies power of Tempestarii, iii. 416. on belief in sorcery, iii. 417. on witch cannibalism, iii. 503. Burchard III. (Magdeburg) and the Templars, iii. 302. Burchard of Oldenburg, his crusade against Stedingers, iii. 187. Burgin the Beghard, ii. 405. Burgundy, heretics in, i. 127. Inq. introduced in, ii. 113, 120. Waldenses in, ii. 148. witchcraft in, iii. 535. Burgundian minister, his supervision, ii. 140. Burial of heretics forbidden, i. 132. Burials, quarrels over, i. 30, 280; iii. 241. Burning alive introduced, i. 216, 221. seignorial right of, i. 537. a last resort, i. 541. for relapse, i. 644. frequency of, i. 549. details of, i. 551. expenses of, i. 653.