Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/697

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INDEX. GS1 Confession (judicial) recorded as free from torture, i. 425, 428 ; iii. 266. retraction of, i. 428, 543. requires abjuration, i. 457. as alternative of condemnation, ii. 334 336. required of Huss, ii. 485. of Templars, character of, iii. 274. required in witch-trials, iii. 514. Confession (sacramental) by wholesale, 40. used as magic formula, i. 51. to laymen sufficient, i. 79. Catharan use of, i. 102. quarrels over, i. 278, 279. used by Waldenses, ii. 146, 150, 160. heresy concerning, in Spain, ii. 187. unnecessary in Wiekliffitism, ii. 440. retained by Calixtins, ii. 520. derided by Taborites, ii. 523. Confessional, priestly neglect of, i. 278. its secrecy set aside, i. 437. Confessor, inq. as, i. 399. evidence of, i. 436. Confirmation of confession under torture, i. 427. Confiscation for heresy, i. 220, 321, 501. division of, i. 338. bp. not to share, i. 359. to be inflicted on prisoners, i. 489. commutation for, i. 515. before condemnation, i. 517. stimulates persecution, i. 532; ii. 371. its results in Languedoc, ii. 56, 110. its thoroughness, ii. 112. forbidden by Louis XT., ii. 159. renewed by Charles VIII., ii. 160. modified, in Spain, ii. 183, 185. assumed bv the State in Venice, ii. 252. in Sicily, ii. 285. in Germany, ii. 331, 389. . case of the Guglielmites, iii. 102. of the Templars, iii. 255. of Gilles de Rais, iii. 487. of Vaudois of Arras, iii. 522, 525. Conformities, Book of, i. 262. Confraternity of St. Cecilia, ii. 40. Conjurators for suspects, i. 455. Coni, heretics burned at, ii. 264. Connecte, Thomas, iii. 208. Conrad III. (Emp.), rejects Arnald of Bres- cia, i. 73. Conrad IV. (Emp.), favors Waldenses, ii. 347. appoints Pallavicino vicar-general, ii. 219. his death, ii. 220. Conrad of Barenfels, iii. 157. Conrad of Hildesheim, i. 87 ; ii. 324, 343. Conrad II. (Mainz) on the Mendicants, i. 292. persecutes Waldenses, ii. 396. Conrad of Marburg, his career and character, ii. 325. powers conferred on him, ii, 332. his methods, ii. 336. Conrad of Marburg, his defeat in assembly of Mainz, ii. . his murder, ii. 311. his assassins, ii. 342, •' Conrad of Montpellier, ii. 870. Conrad of Porto, Legate, i. 187, 189. Conrad of Thuringia exterminates heretics, ii. 343. Conrad of Vechta (Prague) favon Bum ii. 447, 457, 4C1. opposes use of cup by the laity, ii. 171. Conrad of Waldhausen, ii. 486. Conradin, his execution, ii. 282. Consolamentnm y i. 94, 96. Constance, Queen, and the Cathari of Orleans, i. 109. Constance of Hungary, iii. 90, 94. Constance, Cathari in 11th cent., i. 111. Ortlibenses in 1339, ii. 376. Burgin the Beghard burned, ii. 405. C. of, convoked in 1414, ii. 453. on Flagellants, ii. 384. on the Beghards, ii. 409. on safe-conducts, ii. 468. acts as Inq., ii. 475. tries John Huss, ii. 482. tries Jerome of Prague, ii. 498. its dealings with Bohemia, ii. 494, 507, 510. orders burning for Hussites, i. 227. appeals to Sigismund, ii. 509. its decree Freqneiis, ii. 526. its measures to heal the schism, iii. 207. case of Jean Petit, iii. 336. its failure to reform, iii. 637. C. of, 1463, on Lollards, ii. 413. Constantine the Great, his persecuting edicts, i. 212. Arian books burned, i. 554. triumphs through the cross, iii. 394. suppresses divination, iii. 397. Donation of, iii. 566. Constantine the Paulician, i. 90. Constantine the Beghard burned, ii. 375. Constantinople, number of Cathari in, ii. 297. Latin and Greek churches in, iii. 618. effect of its capture, ii. 551. C. of, on exc. of dead, i. 230, 231. C. of, 869, its use of wine of Eucharist, ii. 474. C. of, burns Bogomili, i. 116. Constantius (Emp.) persecutes diviners, iii. 397. Contarini, Giac, his ducal oath, ii. 251. Contemplation, merits of, iii. 2. Continence, test of, among Segarellists, iii. 109, 123. Continuance of torture, i. 427; iii. 514. Contumacy, punishment of, i. 404, 542, Conventicles, heretical, iii. 495. Conventschwestern, ii. 388. Conventuals (Franciscan) their origin, iii. 7.