Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/702

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G8G INDEX. Episcopal Inq., tried by Honorius III., ii. 198. regulated, i. 331. similar to papal, i. 364. in Aragon, i. 324; ii. 163. in Bohemia, ii. 435. in Cologne, i. 360; ii. 359, 373, 874. in England, i. 353. in Mainz, ii. 397. in Xarbonne, i. 330, 334. in Toulouse, ii. 9. urged by Raymond VII., ii. 38, 39. in Strassburg, ii. 369. in the Templar ease, iii. 282, 286. in Westphalia, ii. 374. in Venice, ii. 250, 273. Episcopal intervention in Inq., ii. 80, 87, 94. Episcopal jurisdiction, growth of, i. 308. alone recognized in Germany, ii. 349. over pardoners, iii. 624. over sorcery, iii. 450, 467. over witchcraft, iii. 512. Episcopal opposition to Inq., ii. 132, 395. Episcopal power, prostitution of, i. 16; iii. 630, 631, 632. Episcopal supremacy reasserted, ii. 133. Episcopate, its relations with Inq., i. 331. German, its resistance to Inq., ii. 338, 346. Ephcopi, Cap., iii. 494, 497, 498, 524, 534. Equitius, St., exorcises a demon, iii. 381. Eiard, Abp. of Tours, on sorcery, iii. 414. Erasmus on the Mendicant Orders, i. 294. on papal wars, iii. 204. on astrology, iii. 446. on scholastic heresy, iii. 557. prints Valla's New Testament, iii. 567. Erfurt, heretics burned in 1231, ii. 332. Constantine the Beghard burned, ii. 375. massacre of Jews, ii. 379. Flagellants prohibited, ii. 382. heretics burned by Kerlinjier, ii. 390. Eriberto of Milan suppresses Cathari, i. 109. Eric Blood-Axe, iii. 407, 408. Erichtho, iii. 390. Erigena, his Periphyseos condemned, ii. 322; iii. 555. Ermenq:audi, Bernardo, succeeds Eymerich, ii. 176 ; iii. 585. Ermessende of Foix, her memorv condemned, ii. 169. Escape from prison, frequency of, i. 494. equivalent to relapse, i. 548. Esclairmonde de Foix, hereticated, i. 138. Esclairmonde de Pereille, ii. 34. Esparrago of Tarragona, ii. 163. Estaing, Antoine d of Angouleme, ii. 161. Estampes, Comte d', and Vaudois of Arras, iii. 521, 523, 525. Estates, claims of the Church on, i. 30. of dead heretics confiscated, i. 522. Este, Oppizo d and Rainaldo condemned as heretics, iii. 202. Este, Frisco d his struggle for Ferrara, iii. 194. Etienne de Combes prosecutes Dominicans, r iii. 204. Etienne de Gatine, i. 528 ; ii. 55, 56. Etienne Mascot, his visit to Lombardv, ii. , 50. Etienne de S. Thiberv as inq., i. 302; ii. 21, 36. Etienne de Sissy resists Urban IV., iii. 242. Etienne Tempier, Bp. of Paris, condemns Averrhoism, iii. 561. Etienne de Verberie, blasphemy of, ii. 122. Eucharist, sale of, i. 28. its use as a fetich, i. 49. given to penitents at the stake, i. 546. questions concerning its substance, ii. 175. Wickliff s theory of, ii. 442. veneration of, in Bohemia, ii. 474. belief of Bohemian Brethren, ii. 562. used in sorcery, iii. 435. quodlibet concerning, iii. 567. (see also Transubstantiation.) Euchita?, i. 91, 102. Eudes, Bp. of Toul, persecutes Waldenses, ii. 147. Eudes de S. Amand, Templar Gr. Master, iii. 242. Eudes de Bores, his Templar initiation, iii. 277. Eugenio, Somma, inq. of Slavonia, ii. 311. Eugenius III., his disinterestedness, i. 22. tries Eon de TEtoile, i. 66. his relations with Arnald of Brescia, i. 73. confers red cross on Templars, iii. 239. Eugenius IV. favors the Mendicants, i. 293. giants power of removal, i. 345. his favor to Inq., i. 351. divides confiscations, i. 512. orders prosecution of exc, ii. 140. his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 310. protects the Beghards, ii. 411. urges convocation of C. of Basle, ii. 530. hi- quarrels with C. of Basle, ii. 531, 533. his relation to the Compactata, ii. 541. persecutes Hungarian Hussites, ii. 542. concubinage is heresy, ii. 545. renews Capistrano's commission, iii. 177. burns Thomas Connecte, iii. 209. on the power of witches, iii. 407, 502, 512. buries Braccio da Montone, iii. 569. Euric persecutes Catholics, i. 216. Eusebius, his description of Constantine, iii. 394. Eusebius of Dorylaeum, i. 210. Eutyches, his heresy, i. 210.