Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/705

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INDEX. Florence, laws restricting the Inq., ii. 280. the Black Death in, ii. 379. alarm of Tertiaries, iii. 77. laws against the Fraticelli, iii. 161. Michele Berti burned, iii. 165. Fraticelli persecuted in 1424, ii. 283 • iii 175. Capistrano's reception in, iii. 179. Savonarola's career, iii. 211. reaction after Savonarola, iii. 235. torture of Templars, iii. 318. C. of, 1439, on the Divine Vision, iii. 595. on Immaculate Conception, iii. 600. Florent, Abp. of Aries, iii. 25. Florent of Holland, his crusade against Sled- ingers, iii. 187. Florent, Bp. of Utrecht, ii. 360. Florio, Fra, excites trouble in Parma, ii. 237. Flusse Sajo, battle of, ii. 296. Foetus used in divination, iii. 398. Foix, heresy in, i. 138. ravaged by inqs., ii. 55. Count of, claims right to burn heretics, i. 538. persecuted by Inq., ii. 52. Folquet of Marseilles, i. 134. Forbearance, payments for, i. 480. Forli, its quarrel with Martin IV., iii. 196. Forgery of papal letters, i. 19. justiciable by Inq., iii. 192. of inquisitorial letters, i. 442. Formosus (Pope) condemned after death, i. 231. Formulas of devotion, magic character of, i. 45. Fortescue, Sir John, on inquisitorial process, i. 429, 561. Forty-five articles of Wickliff, the, ii. 446, 482. Foulques de Neuillv, i. 130, 244. Foulques, Bp. of Toulouse, i. 134, 179, 201. he aids Dominic, i. 250, 251, 252. acts as inq., i. 316. Foulques de S. Georges, his powers restricted, ii. 65. he cites opponents of Inq., ii. 76. accusations against him, ii. 77. his removal, ii. 79. tomb erected to him, ii. 103, France, heresy of l£on de l'^toile, i. 66. southern, characteristics of, i. 66. heresies in, i. 66. rise of Waldenses, i. 76. Cathari in, i. 109, 111, 117. Cotereaux, i. 125. heresy in Nivernois, i. 130. condition of Languedoc, i. 133. Innocent III.'s efforts at persecution, i. 136. the Albigensian crusades, i. 147. legislation on heresy, i. 221. cruelty of criminal law, i. 235. Foulques de Neuillv, i. 244. Poor Catholics, i. 247. III.— M France, the Pastoureaux, i the University of Paris and the Mendi- cants, i. 28k C of Reims, 12*7, against the Mendi- cants, i. 2 'jo. divided between Dominican! and Fran- ciscans, i. 301. legislation against, heresy, i. 828. independence of episcopate, L subjection of State, i. I introduction of torture, i. 428. confiscation, i. 508, 504, 518. expenses of Inq., i. 526, 531. Jewish books condemned, i. 555. heretics driven to Languedoc, ii. 51. career of Inq. in, ii. 1 18, Waldenses in, ii. 145. Ainaurians, ii. 320. the Black Death, ii. 379. Pastoureaux in 1320, ii. 380. Jews and lepers massacred, ii. 380. Flagellants suppressed, ii. 382. Marguerite la Porete, ii. 575. Beghards in Langres, ii. 578. Joachitism in the south, iii. 17, 25. Spiritual Franciscans, iii. 42. condition of Church in 1423, iii. 69. Fraticelli, iii. 168. strife between Conventuals and Obser- vantines, iii. 173. overthrow of the Temple, iii. 227. case of Jean Petit, iii. 334. case of Joan of Arc, iii. 338. legislation on sorcery, iii. 427, 544. secular jurisdiction over sorcerv, iii. 460. case of Gilles de Rais, iii. 464. case of Guill. Edeline, iii. 512, 515, 536. the Vaudois of Arras, iii. 519. Averrhoistic errors, iii. 561. the Immaculate Conception, iii. 599. Francesco dal Borgo San Sepolcro, iii. 63. Francesco, Bp. of Camei ino, favors the Fra- ticelli, iii. 159. Francesco Chioggia suppresses nature- wor- ship, ii. 301. Francesco Marchisio, iii. 166. Francesco di Paola, St., regards Savonarola as a saint, iii. 236. Francesco da Pistoia burned, iii. 160. Francesco della Ptiglia, iii. 218, 224. Francesco of Venice tried for heresy, iii. 140. Franche Comte, Inq. in, ii. 120. Waldenses in, ii. 147, 149. Francis I., his concordat with Leo X., ii. 134. Francis, St., of Assisi, i. 256. his adoration of poverty, i. 264. his veneration for priests, i. 279. releases his followers from purgatory, i. 293. predicts the demoralization of the Order, i. 295. his missionary labors, i. 297.