Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/714

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698 INDEX. Hungary, Waldenses in, ii. 397, 400. Jerome of Prague preaches Hussitisra, ii. 496. prevalence of Hussitism, ii. 525. persecution of Hussites, ii. 542, 544. clerical concubinage, ii. 543. papal collections in, iii. 69. Greek Church in, iii. 617. Hunneric persecutes Catholics, i. 216. Huns, descended from demons, iii. 385. Hunvadv, John, his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 311, 312. his victory at Belgrade, ii. 553. Husbands, betrayal of, by wives, i. 432. required to denounce wives, i. 432. Huss, John, precursors of, ii. 436. his early career, ii. 444. his obligations to Wickliff, ii. 448. is exc, ii. 450. all-powerful in Bohemia, ii. 452. his presence at Constance necessary, ii. 455. necessity of his arrest, ii. 460. his trial, ii. 469. his unpardonable doctrines, ii. 481. admits that heresy is punishable, i. 540. efforts to obtain his abjuration, ii. 486. his execution, i. 552; ii. 492. venerated as a martyr, ii. 494, 507, 509. Hussites, the, ii. 506. their relations with "Waldenses, ii. 157. their safe-conducts to Basle, ii. 466. Hussitism in Germany, ii. 410, 412, 414. coalesces with Waldensianism, ii. 415. in Danubian provinces, ii. 543, 544, 545, 549. in Hungary, ii. 525. 542. in Poland,"ii. 496, 525. 544, 549, 551. Hyacinth, St., of Hungary, ii. 293. Hypothecations by heretics invalid, i. 524. IBAS of Edessa, case of, i. 230. Ibn Roschd, iii. 558. Iceland, laws on sorcery, iii. 422, 432. Idacius prosecutes Priscillian, i. 213. Idol, the, of the Templars, iii. 263, 270. Iglau, pacification of, ii. 538. Ignorance no defence, i. 450. Illuminism of S. Bonaventura, iii. 26. of the German mystics, ii. 362, 364, 365. of the Ortlibenses, ii. 357. Hlusions of sorcery, iii. 407. of the Sabbat", iii. 493. Image -worship condemned by Mathias of Janow, ii. 437. by Wickiiffites, ii. 440. Immaculate Conception, the, iii. 596. Order of the, iii. 607. Immortality, denial of. iii. 559, 560, 562, 564, 565, 569, 572, 574, 576. Immunity of crusaders, i. 148. Immunity of ecclesiastics, i. 2, 32 ; iii. 629. of familiars, i. 381. of monks withdrawn in heresy, i. 314. Impeccability, heresy of, ii. 320, 322. ot Ortlibenses, ii. 356. in German mysticism, ii. 364. in the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 124. Impeding the Inq., i. 349, 3*81 ; ii. 63, 74. by disbelieving witchcraft, iii. 506. Imperial laws against magic, iii. 392. Impostors, the Three, iii. 560. Imprecatory masses, iii. 447. Imprisonment for heresy, i. 220, 484. harsh, as torture, i. 420. frequency of, i. 485, 494. commutation of, i. 496. in Huss's case, ii. 479. detentive, i. 420, 488. Incantation, the mass used as, i. 50. powers of, iii. 391. Christian, iii. 400. Incarceration — see Imprisonment. Incarnations of Christ, iii. 127, 166. Incest, condonation of, i. 32. Incredulity, popular, as to witchcraft, ii. 533, 540, 546. Incubi, iii. 383, 501, 542. Indelibility of priestly character, i. 4. Index, Lully placed in the, iii. 587, 588. Indulgences, theory of, i. 41. plenary, i. 42. sale of, i. 43, 44. minor, i. 45. used against the Church, i. 184. for inqs., i. 239. for missionary work, i. 297. rejected by Jean Yitrier, ii. 137. by Waldenses, ii. 150. by Luther, ii. 425. in Prague in 1393, ii. 438. by Wickiiffites, ii. 440. by Huss, ii. 449. popular resistance to, ii. 450. issued by John XXIL, iii. 67. given Savonarola on the scaffold, iii. 234. abuse of, iii. 246. to reward the use of torture, iii. 300. for persecuting witches, iii. 546. sellers of, iii. 621,662. Industry, influence of confiscation on, i. 524. Infantile communion, ii. 474, 512, 534. Infants dedicated to Satan, iii. 504. Infernal deities in Latin sorcery, iii. 390. Infidelitv of the Church in 15th cent., iii. 566, 577. ' Informality of early procedure, ii. 8. Influence of Inq., i. 557 ; iii. 641. Ingelger of Anjou recovers the relics of St. Martin, i. 48. Ingheramo da Macerata, ii. 198. Initiation into Order of Templars, iii. 268, 272. Innocent II. claims feudal power over bene- fices, i. 6.