Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/719

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INDEX. John XXII. absolves from oaths of allegi- ance, ii. 469. condemns Olivi's Postil, iii. 48. persecutes Spirituals, iii. 63, 69, 71 72 84, 85. summons all Tertiaries, iii. 77. denounced as antichrist, iii. 79. raises the question of the poverty of Christ, iii. 129. suspends the bull Exiit, iii. 130. issues bull Ad cojiditorem, iii. 133. issues bull Cum inter nonnullos, iii. 134. quarrels with Louis of Bavaria, ii. 377 ; iii. 135, 138, 154. condemns Marsiglio of Padua, iii. 140. prosecutes believers in poverty of Christ, ii. 248, 249; iii. 143. arrests Michele da Cesena, iii. 147. burned in effigy by Louis of Bavaria, iii. 149. refuses the submission of Todi, iii. 150. his treatment of Pier di Corbario, iii. 151. prosecutes German Franciscans, iii. 153. his proceedings against the Visconti, iii. 96, 196, 199. his dealing with the Templar question, iii. 317, 324, 331, 333. stimulates belief in sorcery, iii. 452. attempts on his life by sorcery, iii. 452, 458. takes sorcery from Inq., iii. 453. his heresy on the Divine Vision, iii. 592. dealings with Greek Church, iii. 619. his taxes of penitentiary, iii. 67, 626. John XXIII. subjects inqs. to provincials, i. 346. orders Wickliff s books examined, ii. 443. imprisons Wenceslas's envoys, ii. 446. orders Hussitism suppressed, ii. 447. issues indulgences, ii. 449. exc. Huss, ii. 450. convokes C. of Constance, ii. 453. his policy as to Huss, ii. 460. his rupture with the C, ii. 480. his deposition and fate, ii. 481, 483. on case of Jean Petit, iii. 336. John, K.of England,supports Raymond, i.l 81. John, K. of France, moderates monastic pris- on, i. 488. allowed communion in both elements, ii. 473. John, K. of Bohemia, procures election of Charles IV., iii. 156. John Arnoldi, inq., threatened, ii. 400. John of Baconthorpe an Averrhoist, iii. 564. John the Baptist, power of his relics, i. 48. John of Bavaria arrests Jerome of Prague, ii. 498. John of Boland, inq., ii. 393. John of Burgundv asks for the Inq., i. 530 ; ii. 120, 147. John of Chlum, his declaration at Constance, ii. 452. John of Chluin accompani..- BuSS, U 460. protests against the arrest, II his sympathy for Huss, ii. I his submission, ii. John of Constantinople pro of Prague, ii. 502, inq. to try Hussites, ii. .".07. John of Damascus denies Immaoulafc ception, iii. 596, John of Drasic, Bp. of Prague, ii. 428, 481. John of Falkenberg, iii. 337. John Gallus, inq. in Asia, i. 355. John of Jenzenstein, of Prague, ii. 487. John of Litomvsl, ii. 494, 507, 508* John of Luxemberg urges persecution, ii. 429. John II. of Mainz persecutes Beguines, ii. 404. John of Mechlin, his heresy, ii. 377. John of Moravia persecutes Beghards, ii. 418. John of Nottingham tried for sorcery, iii. 458. John of Ocko persecutes heresy, ii. 435. John of Oldenburg subjects the Stedingers, iii. 183. John of Parma elected Franciscan general, iii. 8. promises of Alex. IV. to him, i. 284. his puritan zeal, iii. 9. favors Joachitism, iii. 18. the Everlasting Gospel ascribed to him, i. 285 ; ii. 22. accused of errors and deposed, iii. 23, 24, 25. John of Pirna, ii. 431. John of Ragusa (Card.) reconciles John Mai* kaw, iii. 207. John of Ragusa on communion in both ele- ments, ii. 473. at Siena and Basle, ii. 529, 533. John of Rutberg, ii. 363. John of Rysbroek, ii. 360, 377. John of S. Angelo, his legation to Bohemia, ii. 540. John of Salisbury on superiority of priest- hood, i. 4. on tyrannicide, iii. 335. on power of magic, iii. 418. on catoptromancv, iii. 422. on heresy in sorcery, iii. 435. on astrology, iii. 439. on divination by dreams, iii. 447. on children eaten by witches, iii. 503. John of Samosata, i. 90. John of Schweidnitz, inq., slain, ii. 431. John of Soissons protects heretics, i. 110. John of Strassburg, burned in 1212, ii. ^16. John of Svrmia, ii. 293. John of Wesel, case of, ii. 420; iii. 556. John of Wildeshausen, Bp. of Bosnia, ii. 294. John of Winterthur on John XXII., iii. 154. on simony, iii. 62">. John of Wurzburg, his heresy, iii. 89. John of Zai a, Abp., supports heretics, ii. 300.