Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/721

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INDEX. Laity, corruption of, iii. 641. Lambert le Begue, ii. 350. Lambert de Foyssenx, case of, ii. 103. Lambert of Strassburg, ii. 39."). Lamberto del Cordiglio condemns Ghibel- lines, iii. 201. condemns Cecco d' Ascoli, iii. 443. Lamberto, Fra, tines Theate, i. 4ul. Lamiae, iii. 494, 503. Lancing of Christ, heresy of, iii. 40, 206. Landucci, Luca, his disenchantment, iii. 231. Langham, Abp., condemns errors, i. 852. Langland, William, on pardoners, iii. 622. on love and truth, iii. 646. Langres, case of canon of, 1211, i. 307. heretics of, ii. 578. C. of, 1404, on sorcerv, iii. 466. Languedoc, prevalence of heresy in, i. 68. Waldenses in, i. 78 ; ii. 579. spread of Catharism in, i. 121, 127. condition of Church in, i. 134. crusades in, i. 147. organization of Inq., i. 330. subjection of the State, i. 340. first use of torture, i. 423. papal interference with Inq., i. 452. pilgrimages customary in, i. 466. Clement V. investigates Inq., i. 492. confiscation, i. 504, 513, 515. expenses of Inq., i. 526. career of Inq. in, ii. 1. its relations with Paris, ii. 119. activity of Henri de Chamay, ii. 124. supremacy of the Parlement, ii. 130. degradation of Inq., ii. 144. Waldenses in, ii. 147-9. heretics pursued in Naples, ii. 246, 584. documents concerning Inq., ii. 69-74. Joachitism, iii. 17. Fraticelli, iii. 167. Dolcinists, iii. 122, 124. Lantelmo of Florence, i. 476 ; ii. 203. Laon, sorcerers in 1390, iii. 460. La Palu, his crusade against Waldenses, ii. 160. Lapidation for sorcerers, iii. 408. Lapina, Donna, condemned for heresy, iii. 125. Lapland sorcerers, iii. 407. Larneta, assembly of, in 1241, ii. 26. Las Navas de Tolosa, victory of, i. 169. Lateran C, 1102, on heresy of disobedience, iii. 181. Lateran ft, 1111, sets aside oaths, iii. 182. Lateran C, 1139, i. 6. condemns Arnald of Brescia, i. 73. condemns Cathari, i. 117. on duty of persecution, i. 224. Lateran C, 1179, Waldenses appear before it, i. 78. condemns heresy, i. 123. on duty of persecution, i. 224. restricts the Templars, iii. 240. Lateran ft, 1215, its convocation, i. 181. orders preaching, i. 24. III.— 45 Lateran ft, 1218 11, 48. failure of its reforms, i. .'-•". condemns Raymond VI., i on judgment* of blood, i. 2 Dominie present, i. 2< revives Order of Crucigeri, i 2i makes sacramental confesaiou ol tory, i. 278. prohibits ordeals, i. 800. orders episcopal Inq., i. :; I i ita legislation on heresy, i on absent BUSped condemns Arosurianism, ii condemns Joachim's error, iii. 18. failure to repress unauthorized Oi iii. 103. Lateran ft, 1515, represses the Mendicants, i. 291. condemns philosophical error.-, iii. establishes censorship of press, ii Latin kingdoms of East, Greek Church in, iii. 618. Latin sorcery, iii. 390. Latins in the East, their character, iii. 245, 620. La Tremouille, his opposition to Joan of Arc, iii. 347, 354, 355. Lavaur, siege of, i. 166. church of, fines for, i. 473. C, 1213, i. 170, 171. C, 1364, condemns Dolcinists, iii. 124. Law, influence of Inq. on, i. 559. Laws restricting Inq. annulled, i. 338, 340; ii. 275, 280. Lawyers required for inqs., i. 876. Lazzaretti, David, of Arcidosso, iii. 126. Learning, Spirituals despise, iii. 8, 564. Ledrede, Bp. of Ossorv, prosecutes Alice Kyteler, i. 354 ; iii. 456. Legacies for pious uses, i. 28. Franciscans competent to receive, ii 30. Legates, papal, their exactions, i. 16. Legatine Inq. attempted, i. 315, 317. abolished, ii. 51. Legislation, secular, against heresy, i. 81,113, 319 sorcery, iii. 409, 413, 420, 422, 427. Leidrad converts Felicians, i. 217. Le Mans, preaching of Henry of Lausanne, i. 69. Leo I. regulates profits of burials, i. 30. urges persecution, i. 215. on exc. of the dead, i. 280. Leo X., his concordat with France, ii. 134. favors the Mendicants, i. 294. on false witness, i. 112. on refusal to burn heretics, i. 589; iii. 547. his vacillation in Reuchlin's case. ii. 421. his instructions concerning Luther, ii. 426. reorganizes the Franciscans, iii. f>. r >, 173.