Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/727

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INDEX. 11 Montpellier, Dominican Chapter of, forbids pecuniary penances, i. 471. asks aid against heretics, ii. 23. its tenure by Majorca, ii. 89. Olivists persecuted, iii. 77. Parlement of, in 1293, ii. 63. C. of, 1195, on heresy, i. 127, 133. C. of, 1215, deposes Raymond VI., i. 179. establishes episcopal Inq., i. 314 C. of, 1224, i. 192. Monts de piete, ii. 275. Montsegur, ii. 34, 35, 38, 42. Mont Wimer, Catharisrn at, i. 108; ii. 116. Moors, forced conversion of, in Spain, ii. 187. Morals dissociated from religion, ii. 470 ; iii. 641, 644. Moravia, Waldenses in, ii. 438. indignation at Huss's death, ii. 494. Capistrano's success, ii. 548. assigned to Matt. Corvinus, ii. 559. Moravians — see Bohemian Brethren. Morea, Templar property in, iii. 333. Morocco, Inq. in, i. 355. Morosini, Mariano, his ducal oath, ii. 250, 587. Morret, P., case of, i. 448. Morselle, Jean, his heresy as to the Virgin, iii. 603. Mortal enmity invalidates evidence, i. 436; iii. 517. Mortality of prisons, i. 494. Mortuary masses, profits of, i. 30. as incantations, iii. 447. Mosaic Law on witches, iii. 396. Moses, his thaumaturgy, iii. 387. Motives of persecution, i. 233. Muhlberg, John, persecutes Beghards, ii. 403. Miihldorff, battle of, in 1322, iii. 135. Miihlhausen, beguinages confiscated, ii. 391. Miiller, John, preaches Hussitism, ii. 414. Multitude of prisoners, i. 485, 489 ; iL 154. Mummolus, case of, iii. 411. Municipal freedom in Languedoc, i. 67. Munoz, Pedro, Abp., of Santiago, iii. 429. Muntaner, Arnaldo, case of, iii. 169. Murad II. partly conquers Bosnia, ii. 307. Muratori, L. A., on Immaculate Conception, iii. 611. Muret, battle of, i. 177. Murus of Inq., i. 373, 462. largus and xtrictus, i. 486. Muscata, John, Bp. of Cracow, ii. 630. Musonius the Babylonian, iii. 392. Myndekin, Sophia, case of, ii. 398. Mysticism, Franciscan tendencies to, iii. 2. German, in 14th cent., ii. 359, 362, 364. NAAKVASA, martyrdom of, ii. 514. Naczeracz, Peter, inq. in Moravia, ii. 431. Naevius, L., slaughters sorcerers, iii. 392. Najac, church of, fines fur, i. •4 7.1. punishment of b Naked' W&md, iii. -I:;:;. Names <>f witnesses withheld, i. 48? ; . iii. 517. Nantes, Cathari In, i. 1 12. execution of Oilles de Rala, iii. t s7. Naples, one assistanl allowed, i I French inqs. in, i use of torture in Inq., i. 438. royal prisons used for heretics, L 191, confiscation in, i. 511, 517, expenses of Inq. defrayed, i. 525. its conquest by Charles of Anjou, ii iii. 198. Inq. in, ii. 244, 584. immigration of Waldenses, ii. 217, 268. decline of Inq.,ii. 217 Spanish Inq. not introduced, ii. Flagellants in 1861, ii Arnaldo de Yilanova's influence, iii I Spirituals protected by Robert, Hi. ill. the Fraticelli protected, iii. 169, l •'.:». subjected to Innocent IV., iii. 190. arrest of Templars, iii. 804. Greek Church in, iii. 616, 621. Napoleon I. transfers papal archives to Paris, iii. 319. Naprous Boneta, case of, iii. 80, 82, 658. Narbona, Diego de, case of, iii. 610. Narbonne, Abp. Bercnger tried, i. 15. Jewish school in, i. 67. Colloquy of, in 1190, i. 78. purchases immunity from crusade, i. 155. dismantling of, i. 180. submits to de Montl'oit, i. 186. ceded to the crown, i. 204. episcopal Inq. in, i. 880, 884. destruction of record.-, i. 81 bishops forced to convict, i. 388. assembly of expert* in 1328, i. 389. quarrel over right to burn heretics, i. 538. troubles, 1234-8, ii. 13. Abp. of, besieges Montsegur, ii. 12. murder of officials in, ii. 46. Waldenses in, ii. 117. Spiritual convent of, iii. 62. Olivists burned, iii. 77. Feast of Conception, iii. 5981 C. of, 1227; i. 201. orders episcopal Inq., i. 315. C. of, 1229, on penance of crosses, I C. of, 1244, on duty of persecution, i. S regulates lmj.,i. 881,895,481, I 462,468, i*w, 171, IT-V 184, 189, 495, C.of, 1374, condemns Dolcinists, iii. 1 21. Nardi, Giacopo, his belief in Savonarola, iii. 211. Narses urged to persecute, i. 216. Natural Science, its study prohibited, ii. 322.