Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 3.djvu/736

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w ; 720 INDEX. Princes dispossessed for tolerating heresv. i. 321. Printing, use of, by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 566. condemned by Observantines, iii. 436. Priscillian, his execution, i. 213. Priscillianists detected bv paleness, i. 110, 214, Prisons of Inq., i. 373. under episcopal control, i. 334. supplied by the crown, i. 342. use of harsh, i. 420. fines to be employed on, i. 471. character of, i. 48S; ii. 93. mortality in, i. 494. difficulties in absence of, ii. 4. reform ordered by Philippe IV., ii. 87. difficulty of maintaining, ii. 154. provided for German Inq., ii. 390. Prison-breaking, i. 549. Prisoners, treatment of, i. 487. quarrels over their support, i. 489. their diet, i. 491. multitude of, i. 485, 489; ii. 154. Procedure, summary nature of, i. 405. Proceedings, secrecy of, i. 406. Process, inquisitorial, i. 399. Procession of Holy Ghost, iii. 616. Procopius Rasa praises the Waldenses, ii. 522. succeeds Ziska, ii. 525. his free speech at Basle, ii. 533. slain at Lipan, ii. 535. Prophecv frequent in the Middle Ages, iii. 210. Prosecution of bishops, l. 13. of advocates and notaries, i. 445; iii. 518. of the dead, i. 448. Property, church, immunity of, i, 3, 34. individual, among monks, i. 37. Franciscan device to hold, iii. 5, 8. Templar, iii. 282, 283. Prouille, monastery of, founded, i. 250. Provence ceded to the Church, i. 204. restored to Ravmond VII., i. 206 ; ii. 15. Franciscan inqs. of, i. 301. expenses of Inq., i. 527. Inq. in, ii. 23, 51, 118. laws of Frederic IT. introduced, ii. 148. rise of Joaehitism, iii. 17. Fraticelli in, iii. 167. arrest of Templars in, iii. 304. Provincials to appoint inqs., i. 329. their control over inqs., i. 344. justiciable by inq3., i. 346. of Burgundy, their supervision, ii. 141. Ptacek, Calixtin ruler of Bohemia, ii. 540. Publicani, i. 115. Puigcercos, Bernardo, Inq. of Aragon, ii. 170. Punishments, cruelty of mediaeval, i. 234. of Inq., i. 459. Purgatio canonica, i. 310, 455. Purgatorv, doctrine of, among Waldenses, i. 79, 83; ii. 150, 160. retained by Calixtins, ii. 512. rejected by Taborites, ii. 512, 523. Puritanism of the Calixtins, ii. 521. Putagi, Guidone, organizes Apostolic Breth- ren, iii. 106. QUADI, M. Aurelius's victory over, iii 394. QuaxtHarii, i. 46; iii. 621, 662. Quarrels of Mendicants and secular clergy, 1. 281, 290. between the Mendicant Orders, i. 299, 300, 302; ii. 76, 138, 171, 217; iii. 98, 173, 599. of clergy with Military Orders, iii. 241. between the Military Orders, iii. 245. Querci, Inq. in, ii. 21, 30. Queribns, castle of, captured, ii. 52. Querio, Jacopo da, burned at Avignon, iii. 122. Quia nonminquam, bull, iii. 130, 143. Quia quoimmdam, bull, iii. 138. Qui'ibet tyra?inus, proposition, iii. 337. Quintilla on baptism, i. 210. Quod super nonnullis, bull, i. 344 ; iii. 434. Quorumdam, bull, iii. 72, 73, 74. RABAXUS condemns Gottschalc, i. 217. Radak, treason of, ii. 314. Radewyns, Florent, ii. 361. Radivoj invites the Turks, ii. 307. R;tdomjer, Catharan Djed, ii. 305. Ragusa, Catharism in, ii. 292. Raimbaud de Caron, his confession under torture, iii. 266. Rainaldo, Abp. of Ravenna, favors the Tem- plars, iii. 307. Rainaldo, pope of Fraticelli, iii. 164. Rainerio, Bp. of Vercelli, attacks Dolcino, iii. 114, 118. Rainerio Saccone, his estimate of Cathari, ii. 49, 193, 297. his attempted murder, ii. 215. as Inq. of Milan, ii. 218, 220, 222, 229. his last appearance, ii. 233. Rainier, legate to Languedoc, i. 136. Rais, Gilles de, accompanies Joan of Arc, iii. 345, 469. case of, iii. 468. as Bluebeard, ; ii. 489. Ramiro I. burns sorcerers, iii. 429. Ramon Costa, Bp. of Elne, tries the Tem- plars, iii. 314. Ramon de Malleolis, case of, ii. 167. Ramon Sa Guardia of Mas Deu, iii. 311, 314, 315, 316. Ramon de Tarraga, his heresy, ii. 175.