Page:A history of the Michigan state normal school (now Normal college) at Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1849-1899 (IA historyofmichiga00putniala).pdf/108

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reference to its connection with systems of education, and more extended study of educational history, of systems of education, of general methods of instruction, and of educational literature. The seminary methods will be adopted as far as circumstances will permit.’

Special Professional Instruction.


‘*Professional work constantly enters in with the Academic, the aim being to make the course as a whole, and each lesson in particular, a model for the future teacher. Lectures are given in the historical development of each subject, and the best methods of presenting the various topics are set forth.

‘The Teacher's Review of Arithmetic, designed to be taken after the completion of the rest of Elementary Mathematics, is in charge of the head of the department. It consists of a rapid review of those chapters of applied arithmetic in which the teacher is most apt to need special instruction, both as to subject-matter and methods of presentation.

The class in Professional Training attends a series of lectures by the head of the department. These lectures consider the subject of teaching both historically and scientifically, The former view is designed to show what has been and is considered the proper sphere of arithmetic and methods of teaching the subject, The latter, to show the best methods, in the light of present criticism, of presenting typical chapters in the various grades. Especial attention is directed to the bibliography of the subject, the Normal Library being quite complete in works of reference.”


A special ten weeks’ teachers’ course in reading and grammar is given; and instruction in methods of teaching rhetoric and literature is given in connection with the academic work upon those subjects, the daily lessons being designed to illustrate methods.


‘SA special course in methods of teaching history is given, including somewhat in detail, both the matter and the method of its presentation as adapted to certain classes, with the preparation of written lessons with Criticisms on the same. This course completes and follows all other courses in history.”’ :


“A five weeks’ course is given in methods of teaching the Physical Sciences. It aims to set forth the scientific method in brief terms and to show how it may be applied in the ordinary work of the school room,”


It is stated that ‘‘the courses are all planned to meet the needs of pupils considered as students and as prospective teachers, From those coming