Page:A history of the Michigan state normal school (now Normal college) at Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1849-1899 (IA historyofmichiga00putniala).pdf/114

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82 HISTORY OF THE 4. English—Advanced English Literature, Reading, Public Speaking, Old and Middle English, Eng-

lish Masterpieces, Shakespeare - -

5. German—Four years - - - . 6. French—Two years” - - - - 7. Latin—Six years - : - - : 8. Greek—Three years - - - - 9, Physical pence SaeeNer fagneead rae Astronomy - , 10. Biological Science—Zoology, Geology, Abvéoted Botany - - - 11, ravine Aaleneedl, hrvesidedl B. B, Sketching Life Sketching - - - - 12. Geography—Physical, Universal - - 13, Physical Training—One year - - - Il. Professional Work, 240 weeks. 1. Advanced Psychology - bees - 2. Educational Systemsand Theories = - - 3. Kindergarten Instruction, I. : - - 4. Kindergarten Instruction, II. - - - 5. Method in History - - - - - 6. Elementary Historical Material - ° 7. Method in Geometry - - - : 8. Method in Algebra - - - 2 9, History of Mathematics = - < . : 10. Method in Modern Classics = - : - ll. Method in Ancient Classics - - - 12. Laboratory Practice ee - - 13. Physical Technics - - - . Z 14, Physiological Demonstration - - - 15, Biological Technique - - - 16, Method in Drawing - - - . 17. Geographical Material - - - 2 18. Method in Physical Training - - - 19. Kindergarten Music - - 2 S

Course for High School Graduates.

90 weeks 160 weeks 80 weeks 240 weeks 120 weeks

110 weeks 80 weeks

50 weeks 40 weeks 40 weeks

20 weeks 20 weeks 20 weeks 20 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 20 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks

This course covers two years, and includes all the prescribed professional work and 100 weeks of electives, besides one year of physical training,

Specializing Course.

In case a student wishes to prepare to teach some particular line or group of subjects, his electives both in kind and amount are arranged to that end. His work is then under the personal direction of the head of the department to which the major subject belongs. Such head of department