Page:A history of the Michigan state normal school (now Normal college) at Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1849-1899 (IA historyofmichiga00putniala).pdf/58

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Anthon’s Cicero's Orations. Second Term. Owen's Xenophon's Anabasis, or French and German. Lincoln’s Livy (begun). Davies’ Bourdon's Algebra. (finished). Analysis of English Sentence.


Lincoln's Livy (finished).

First Term. Owen's Homer's Iliad, or French and German. Davies’ Legendre’s Geometry (begun). Ancient Geography.

Anthon’s Cicero De Senectute or De Officiis. Second Term, Xenophon's Memorabilia or French and German.

Gray's Chemistry.

Davies’ Legendre’s Geometry, (finished).


Anthon's Horace’s Odes. First Term. Wood's Botany. Blair's Rhetoric. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Surveying.

Euripides’ Medea, or Spanish. Robinson's Mathematical Astronomy. Second Term. Winslow's Intellectual Philosophy. St. John's Geology. Lectures on Theory and Practice of Teaching.

Composition and Declamation of original pieces throughout the entire course. A series of lectures on Agricultural Chemistry was prom- ised in the winter term.

The first catalogue states that ‘‘The classical course is de- signed to prepare teachers for our Union schools, which are rap- idly increastng in number and importance. As these institutions supply the place of Academies in the State, they should be con- ducted by men of thorough classical and scientific attainments."' It was provided that pupils who could not complete either course might ‘‘take any of the branches in their order,’’ and might receive a certificate of advancement after attending oneterm. It