Page:A history of the Michigan state normal school (now Normal college) at Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1849-1899 (IA historyofmichiga00putniala).pdf/92

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Common School Course.

Requirements for admission: A thorough knowledge of practical arithmetic, English grammar, local geography, orthography, reading, history of the United States, elements of physiology, of vocal music, and of drawing, and elementary algebra.


1. Elementary principles of education - - 20 weeks 2. School organization, government, school laws, history of education, methods of reading and haan ete. 20 weeks 3. Practice teaching - * - 40 weeks 4. Reading and orthography . . - . 10 weeks 5. Arithmetic - : : - - 10 weeks 6. English grammar - - - - - 10 weeks 7. Geography - : - - - 10 weeks 8. History of United States - - - - 5 weeks 9, Vocal Music = : - - - 10 weeks 10. Drawing - - - - - - 10 weeks ll. Peumanship - - . : - 5 weeks 12. Algebra : - - - . . 5 weeks 13. Physiology - - - - - 5 weeks 14, Objective teaching—botany, zoology, phy sics - 15 weeks

Advanced Professional Course.

REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION: ‘‘In addition to the requirements for admission to the common school course, a good knowledge of the following branches of study. A course equal to that of our best high schools is understood: Higher arithmetic, algebra, geometry, bookkeeping, English composition, rhetoric, English literature, general history, mental science, botany, zoology, physical geography, natural philosophy, chemistry, civil government.

Equivalents for any of these branches or of those required for admission to the course in languages will be accepted, at the discretion of the faculty; and students will be required to pursue those studies only in the advanced professional courses for which preparation was required at admission.


1. Elementary professional work, - - - 5 weeks 2. Advanced professional work, - - - 35 weeks 3. History of education, school government, civil government, etc. - - - > - 20 weeks 4. Practice teaching, - - : - 40 weeks 5. Arithmetic, - . - - - - 5 weeks