Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/38

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SINCE the first edition of this book in 1764, Mr. Alexander Dow has published a translation of The History of the Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan, written originally in Persic by Ferishta. This work of Ferishta is an abridgement of other historians, and extends from the beginning of the reign of Sebegtechin, the first of the Ghaznavide Monarchs who made conquests in Indostan, to the end of the reign of the Emperor Acbar; that is, from the year 977 to 1605 of our Æra; and of the Mahomedan, from 365 to 1014

Ferishta gives the origin and regular succession of all the Kings of Ghazna and emperors of Delhi during this period, the progress of their conquests in Indostan, and the other principal events of their reigns; and thus supplies the voids and imperfections of the historical part of our Dissertation on the Establishments made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan. We have, nevertheless, left our dissertation in its first state, that the attention of the Reader might be directed to the work of Ferishta, which is the most curious and valuable piece of Oriental history, of which a translation has hitherto been given to Europe.