Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/463

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INDE X. xix 278. April, on the march of Major Law- rence to Tritchinopoly, sends troops to Se- ringham, 283. Mortizally renews his corres- pondence with Dnpleix and besieges Trino- I malee, 287. Dupleix sends a stronger rein- | ibrcei#ent with 3000 Morattoes to Sering- I ham, 288, 289. orders Brenier to employ Do Cattana as a spy in Tritchinopoly, 297 and 298. June, errs in employing the reinforee- i ments arrived from France against Yerdaehe- i lum, Trinomalee, and Palamcotah, 301, 30.5, I 306. August, sends them, with Morarirow I and his Morattoes to Seringham, 306, m, 307.

threatens the K. of Tanjore, 319. sends what

I force remained at Pondicherry against Palam- . cottah, 326. orders Bussy to return to the com- mand and management of affairs in the Decan, [ 332. sagacity of his projects, ,336. December, , shews inclination to end the war in the Car- natic, 337. 1754. January, his commis- sions from Murzafajing, Salabadjing and the j Great Mogul produced at the conference at I Sadrass, 338. rejects Mahomedally's titles, 339. Letter of the Mogul to him suspicious, 339, 340, 341. he procured the release of Ma- ' phnze Khan after the battle of Aniboor, 346. April, sends troops to Palamcotah, 358. 1751 the Fr. ministry recall him without application from the ministry of England, 385 366. August 2d, Godeheu arrives at P. ,n!;> herry, and Dupleix resigns the govern- | ment to him, 366. appears in the equipage of his Moorish dignities, 367. October 14, sails for France, 377. Godeheu refuses to pay the I money he had borrowed for the war, 377. for I which Dupleix is pressed in France, 378. ge- neral character of his qualities and conduct, | esteem for Bussy, 378, 379. his successor De- leyrit left by Godeheu with more contracted | powers, 380. The Mysorean was a dupe to his promises, 389. m, 403. m, 436. [Dupleix Mrs. wife of Mr. Dupleix. -1748. I corresponds in the Malabar language with the I interpreter of the late governor of Madrass, to I make the Tellicherry Sepoys desert, 88. 1752. corresponds with Morarirow, 261. iDupleix Fateabad, a town, which Dupleix was building on the spot where Nazirjing was killed, in commemoration of that event, des- troyed by Clive, in June, 1752, p, 213. DUTCH, have possessions in the Malay islands, s. to the coasts of New Holland, e. to lands unknown, 1. 1746. Mai/, 6 Dutch ships, with 430 soldiers, sail with Mr. Boscawen to the attack of Mauritius, 92 and 96. proceed to Batavia, June 27th, 98. 1748. the Dutch at Nagapatam send 120 Europeans to assist at the siege of Pondicherry, 98. Sadrass belongs to the Dutch, 337. 1752. the Morattoes of Jonagee burn the Dutch factory at Bimli- patam, 3*4. 1756. The King of Tra- vencore gained advantages over the Dutch on the coast of Malabar, 400. In 1724, the Dutch attack Gheriah without success, 410., 1753, 1754. deputed by the Fr. E. I. Company to negotiate with the Engl. ministry in London concerning the affairs of India, 365. E E. ?AST IXD1A COMPANY, EXG. 1745. Commodore Barnet in answer to Anwaro- dean's prohibition, says that he acts indepen- dently of the agents of the E. I. C. 61. 1746. theterritory of Madrass had been grant- ed by the Great Mogul to the E. I, C. about 100 years, 65. August 18th, A ship belong- ing to the E. I. C. attacked in Madrass road " by the Fr. squadron, 66. September 10th, another taken when Madrass surrenders, 68. the effects of the company there taken posses- sion of by Fr. commissaries, 68. and with part of the military stores laden on board the Fr. ships, 69. bills given on the Company for the ransom of the town, 69. Fort St. David pur- chased by the E. I. Company about 100 years before, 78. 1748 one of their ships taken in sight of Bombay, 89. Eleven of their ships serve as transports in Mr. Boscawen's expe- dition, 92. 1749. the K. of Tanjore cedes Devi Cotah to them, 118. after the loss of Madrass the E. I. C. ordered Fort St. David to be the presidency, 131. August, Mr. Bos- cawen takes possession of St. ThomeS for the Company, 131. their agents in India were not at this time authorized to engage in military operations, 132. 1750. Deputies sent to treat with Nazirjing on the interests of the E. I. C. 139. a territory near Madrass ceded to the E. I. C. by Mahomsdally, 145. 1752. June, the mercantile affairs of the Com- pany greatly distressed by the war of Chun- dasaheb, 220. the military stores taken with D' Autueil at Volcondah reserved for the Com- pany, 235. 1754, their distresses by the war increased by the restraint of enlarging their capital, 339, the removal of Succogee and the restoration of Monacgee essential to the Company's interests, 361. the directors ask assistance of the government in England, to cany on the war, 365. the Eng. Company em- power Mr. Saunders, and some other members of the council of Madrass, to treat with Mr. Go- deheu, 366. the conditional treaty to be con- firmed or annulled by the two Companies in Europe, 375. one thousand of the Eng. Com- pany's Sepoys left with Maphuze Khan in the Southern countries, 401. the Company in London project an expedition from Bombay against Sallabadjing and the Fr. troops in his services,