Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/481

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INDEX. XXXVII serted ; and its inhabitants removed tooBydera- bad ; nevertheless its name is still frequently employed in Indostan, when in reality the city of Hyderabad is meant. Hence our nar- rative likewise has frequently been led into this* ambiguity ; we shall therefore explain whatsoever mentions are made of Golcondah, when meaning the Capital, under the head of Hyderabad, and here only enumerate the pages in which it is so mentioned, viz. 40. 50, 61. 53. 125. 135, 136, 137. 146. 152, 153. 162, 163. 166. 250, 251. 274. 319. 328. 331, 332. 336. 426. 436. SOLCONDAH, KINGS of, the garden of Charmaul formerly belonging to them, 433. joldeu Hock, nearTritchinopoly, mentioned in the battle of the Golden Rock, June 26th, 1753, p, 290, 291. 293, 294. mentioned in the fight protecting the convoy, 300, 301, 302. m, 304. 1753. August, the enemy's camp extends from the Sugar loaf to the Golden Rock, 307. mentioned in the battle of the Sugar-loaf rock, 309, 310. j o n d e c a M a, G o x D E c A m A, River, northern boundary of the Prov. of Arcot, 37. Conda- vir extends between this and the river Kristna, 335. m, 375. Goodere, Major. 1748. August, the most experienced of the King's officers under Mr. Boscawen, mortally wounded at Ariancopang, 99. Gopaclrawze, brother of the Dalaway of My- sore, commands the 700 Mysoreans, which were admitted into Tritchinopoly in June, and detained there by Captain Dalton when he turned them out in December, p, 271. Gopeesluioo, Anawar retires and dies there, 52. Gopinrawze, an inhabitant of Tritchinopoly, falsely accused by Poniapah, April, 1754, p, 350, and 353. Grab,. described, 409. Grandchildren, why beloved by their grand- fathers in India, 123. Grand Vizik, See Vizir. GREAT BRITAIN, See Britain. GREAT MOGUL, See Mogul. Grenadiers. 1754. February the 15th, the company of Eng. Grenadiers cut off, 344, 345. their extraordinary gallantry and services, 345. GRIFFIN, Admiral. 1746. November, ar- rives with 2 ships in Bengal, and takes the command of the squadron then there, 87. 1747. March 2d, arrives with it at Fort St. David, 87. September, burns a Fr. 50 gun ship in Madrass road, 87. October, November, endeavours to remain in sight of J'ort St.David dining the monsoon, but only his own and another ship keep* the station, 87, S8. De- cember, sails to Trinconomalee, 8S. 174S. January, returns with the squadron to Fort St. David, 88. 1748. June the 9th, en- deavours, but cannot come up with Bouvet's squadron, 89, 90, 91. June the 29th, resigns the command to Mr. Boscawen, and returns to England with 2 ships and a frigate, 98 m, 107. See English squadron. Gulam Hassein, nephew to the favourite wife of Sadatulla, who appoints him Duan to Doastally, 1710 to 1732, p, 37. marries the daughter of Chundasaheb, who administers the office of Duan in his stead, 38. Gunga River, flowing about 35 m. to the westward of Aurengabad, was in 1752 the boundary between the territories of the Decan and the country of the Morattoes towards Poni, 435. Guzerat, Province, conquered by Homaion., 17. HA MED SCHAH, See AHMED S C H A H. Hand, the printof a hand used by the Mysoreans on their letters is equivalent to an oath, 348. Harrasing. 1753. commands the Mo- rattoes in the action of the 10th of May, at Seringhani, breaks the Eng. Sepoys, and is repulsed, 284. Harrison Lieutenant. 1753. 'November, the 27th, defends Tritchinopoly with much conduct and resolution against the assault and escalade of the Fr. troops, 322, 323, 324. Harwich, 50 gun ship, see Adams. Hassan Ally, 1740, May 20th, killed with his father the Nabob Doastally, at the battle of Damalcherri, 42. Hassan Ally, commander in Chief of the Fr. Sepoys, 1752, taken at Seringham, es- capes from Fort St. David,305. 1753,takes Yerdachelum, and proceeds against Trino- malee, 305. September, is killed there, 317. Hassein, and Jussein, brothers and Mahome- dan Saints, their feast t'elebrate'd with much enthusiasm in Indostan : the troops of Rajah - saheb storm Arcot during this feast, 193. Hegira, 9. Hendoo, the name by which the natives of Lidia call themselves, 2. Hekbelot, D'Herbelot, our guide in the Dis- sertation on the Mahomedan conquerors of In- dostan, 12. Heron, Lieutenant Colonel. 1755. February, commands the expedition into the southern countries, 380. attacks the woods of Lachen- aig, 382, 383. enters Madura without oppo- sition, 384. makes alliance with the Moravar, 384. takes Coilguddy, his intrepidity there, p p p 384.