Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/495

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J N b E X. brother Mahomedally at Fort St. David, 80. their sudden appearance strikes the Fr. army with a panic. 82. Dupleix tries to gain him", 83. 1747. January, to whose proposals he listens, 84. and goes to Pondicherrv, 85. Augmt, is reported to be killed in the battle of Amboor, but was taken prisoner, 128. he was carried to Pondieherry, and released at the request of Nazirjing ; accompanied Murzafa- jing out of the Carnatic, but on his death led in Cudapah, until the beginning of 1754. when he came to Arcot with a body ofhorse and Peons, and proffered his service to his 'brother Mahomedally, 345, 346. but will not march until he gets money, 346". loiters at Conjeveram cavilling for ii, 347. retreats before a Fr. detachment from Gin- gee, which takes Outramalore; but he retakes it with the aid of an Eng. party commanded by Ensign Pichard, 362. receives 50000 ru- pees, and is joined by the reinforcement from Madras, 363 expected by the Tanjo- rines, 36.5. arrives at Fort, St. David, and his troops will not march farther, without more money, 367. on which the reinforce- ment join the army without him, 367, 368. m, 372. December, arrives with 1000 horse at Tritchinopoly, andis appointed by the Na- bob to govern the countries of Madura and Tinivelly, 380. 1755, February, accom- panies the English army with his own troops, 380. they arrive at Madura. 3S3. in the middle of March at Tinivelly, 385. em- bezzles the collections, and takes the coun- tries at farm from Colonel Heron, 388. pre- vails on him to stay after he had been re- called, 389. neglects to furnish the pay of the Eng. Sepoys, 390, 391. May, accompa- nies the army to Madura, 391. his train in the pass of Nattam, 392. returns from Nat- tam to Madura. 395. the Polygars and the former governors resolve to contest the countries, 399 and 400. his troops at Calacad threatened, 401. June, he returns from Ma- dura to Tinivelly; his forces, 401. those at Calacad defeated in Jufy, 401. and again in September, 402. he encamps before the Puli- taver's place ; where in November he loses two companies of the English Sepoys, 402. returns to Tinivelly, to borrow money, 420. 1756, the presidency resolve to take the management out of his hands, 421, m, 421. 500 of his best horse defeated in the . Nadamunduluni country, and his garrison at ! Chevelpeture, surrender. 422. March 21st, . totally defeats the rebel army. 423. is joined ] at Cayeter by Mahomed Issoof, 424, his dis- ] tresses from want of money, authority, acti- vity, and resolution, 424. they march to Eti- aporum 424. Mahomed Issosf takes'Coil- orepetta ; they proceed to Chevelpetoi arrive therethe 10th of June, 425. Martix, Father, the Jesuit, stands single in his assertion of the diabolical practicesof the Colleries, 382. Mascarhexas, Island. See Bourbon, Maskelyxe, Lieutenant. 1751. July, taken prisoner at the streights of Utatoor ; gives his parole to Chundasaheb, 175. Massoolas, the common and slightest boats on the C. of Coromandel, 255, to. 367. MASSOUD SCHAH ALAEDDIN, son of Fiiouz Schah Rocneddin, succeeds his uncle Beharam Schah. in the throne of Delhi, and is deposed in 1246 by his brother Mah- mood Schah Nasserrendin, 12. Masulipatxam. City and Districts. No port for a ship of 300 tons between this and Cape Comorin, 112. 1750. May. Na- zirjing's officers seize the Fr. factory there ; the* city is situated at the mouth of the Kristna : its ancient Importance, 146. error concerning a colony of Arabians giving from hence a race of kings to Delhi : its pre- sent trade and painted cloths, 147. July, taken by 2 ships and a detachment from Pon- dieherry, 147. September, Dupleix insists that Nazirjing cede it to the Fr. company, 153. Decemb- r, it i= confirmed to them by Murza- fajing the revenues, 161. 1752, utility to the Fr. in the Carnatic by its communi- cation with Golcondah, 250. the province of Condavir adjoins to its territory, 328. 1753. January, Bussy comes to Massulipat- namfor his health, 330. June, returns from thence to Golcondah, 332. Moracin, the Fr. chief, ordered to take possession of the 4 Northern provinces, 334. the revenues this year 507000 rupees, 335. measures of Mo- racin, 373. Vizeramrauze come hither, and returns with a Fr. detachment; 374. 1754. Ju/y, Bussy comes from Hyderabad, and pro- ceeds into the ceded provinces, 374. October, adjustment of the districts in the conditional treaty, 375. m, 376. m, <<03. 1755. Ja- nuary, Bussy returns, and proceeds to Hyde- rabad, 404. 1755. May, on his separa- tion from Salabadjing, gives out that he will march to Masulipatnam, 429. crosses the Kristna, 200 m. to the w. 430. m, 432. diffi- cultyofcontinuingthe march from Hyderabad to Masulipatnam, 433. Mathews, Commodore, in 1752 attacks Coi- labby with his squadron and a Portugueze army from Goa, who will not fight, 410. Mauritius, Island. 1746, La Bourdonnais equips his squadron there, 62. he was Go- vernor of Mauritius and Bourbon, 64. De- cember, return* with part of his squadron,