Page:A letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer.djvu/35

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editor of that book; in K. John, Act II. ſc. ii. I am repreſented as having adopted a corrupt reading introduced by the ſame editor,—"run on," inſtead of the authentick reading—roam on; in a paſſage in King Henry V. Act III. ſc. i. I am untruly repreſented as reading with the ſame copy,—" You nobleſt Engliſh;" and ſtill further, (ſave reverence, as our author ſays, of the word,) to ſhew the amazing acuteneſs and unerring accuracy of this hypercritick, the paſſage is ſtated as being in the Firſt Part of King Henry IV. as another paſ{ls}}age which is quoted from Meaſure for Meaſure, is to be found in The Comedy of Errors.

As a few trifling emendations made by the ignorant editor of the ſecond folio, have been adopted, ſo on the principle already ſtated the very few obſervations of this Remarker that were entitled to any notice, have been admitted into the late edition. Theſe adopted remarks are to be found, ſays their author, "in Vol. II. 11, 256, 491, 507; III. 27, 77, 316, 394; IV. 497, 504; VI. 146, 273; V. 459; [which is correctly placed after Vol. VI.] VIII. 634." And here we have another ſpecimen of this Remarker's extraordinary accuracy; for lo! neither in p. 256 of Vol. II. nor in p. 316 of
