Page:A letter to the Right Hon. Chichester Fortescue, M.P. on the state of Ireland.djvu/26

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Letter to the Rt. Hon. C. Fortescue, M.P.

5. The pauper has a secure refuge in a workhouse where he need not fear to starve. The Poor Law Commissioners, totally unconnected with politics, perform their duties firmly and impartially.

6. The number of evictions has very materially diminished.

As illustrations of the statements I have made, I will now add some information, partly derived from official returns furnished to me by the favour of the Irish Government departments, and partly from works of known reputation and authority. I am sorry that I cannot carry back the criminal returns to 1831; but none were made to Dublin Castle till 1844, the previous reports having been made to the four provincial inspectors.

Return of Agrarian Outrages specially reported throughout
Ireland during the years 1844, 1851, 1861, 1865, 1866:—
 1844   1845   1861   1865   1866 
Homicide 18 12 4 4 __
Firing at the person 26 13 4 2 3
Assault endangering life 12 2 5 4 4
Assault on bailiffs and process-servers  __ 3 __ __ __
Incendiary fire 121 185 25 48 29
Taking and holding forcible possession 7 2 __ __ __
Killing or maiming cattle 54 56 17 11 6
Demand or robbery of arms 9 7 __ 1 __
Appearing armed 17 5 1 1 __
Riot 5 2 1 __ 1
Threatening letters 417 395 105 73 32
Attacking houses 84 20 2 3 1
Resistance to legal process 18 25 1 __ __
Injury to property 69 54 25 15 6
Firing into dwellings 31 18 8 __ 1
888 799 198 162 83