Page:A list of English & American sequel stories (IA listofenglishame00alfrrich).pdf/43

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Hawthorne, N. (continued).

   1. Twice-told tales.
   2. Mosses from an old manse.
   3. The snow image and other twice-told tales.

Hayes, F. W.

   1. A Kent squire.
   2. Gwynett of Thornhaugh.
   3. The shadow of a throne.

Heilgers, L.

   1. Tabloid tales.
   2. More tabloid tales.

Hendryx, J. B.

   1. Connie Morgan in Alaska.
   2. Connie Morgan with the Mounted.
   3. Connie Morgan in the lumber camps.
   4. Connie Morgan in the fur country 

Henry, O. [S. Porter.]

 In Waifs and strays is a complete index to the author's stories giving the volumes in which they are to be found.

Henty, G. A.

 Dutch Republic series:—
   1. By pike and dyke.
   2. By England's aid.
 Peninsular War series:—
   1. With Moore at Corunna.
   2. Under Wellington's command.
 Thirty Years' War series:—
   1. The Lion of the North.
   2. Won by the sword.

Hentz, Mrs. C. L. W.

   1. Linda.
   2. Robert Graham.

Hepworth, G. H.

   1. Hiram Golf's religion.
   2. They met in Heaven.

Hewlett, M.

 Sagas retold series:—
   1. A lover's tale.
   2. Frey and his wife.
   3. Thorgils of Treadholt.
   4. Gudrid the Fair.
   5. The outlaw.
   6. The light heart.
 Sanchia and Senhouse series:—
   1. Open country.
   2. Halfway House.
   3. Best harrow.
 Another series:—
   1. Mrs. Lancelot.
   2. Bendish.

Heyliger, W.

 Don Strong series:—
   1. Don Strong of the Wolf Patrol.
   2. Don Strong, patrol leader.
   3. Don Strong, American.
 High Benton series:—
   1. High Benton.
   2. High Benton, worker.
 School team series:—
   1. Bartley, freshman pitcher.
   2. Bucking the line.
   3. The captain of the nine.
   4. Strike three!

Hichens, R. S.

   1. The call of the blood.
   2. A spirit in prison.

Hickson, Mrs. M.

   1. Concerning Teddy.
   2. Chronicles of Teddy's village.

Higgins, A. C.

 Little princess stories. 4 vols.

Hill, G. B.

   1. The Corner House girls.
   2. The Corner House girls at school.
   3. The Corner House girls under canvas.
   4. The Corner House girls in a play.
   5. The Corner House girls' odd find.

Hillyard, M. D.

   1. Peggy's Giant.
   2. Peggy and the Giant's aunt.

Hine, M. [Mrs. Coxon.]

   1. Half in earnest.
   2. April Panhassard.

Hinkle, T.

   1. Doctor Rabbit and Ki-Yi Coyote.
   2. Doctor Rabbit and Tom Wildcat.
   3. Doctor Rabbit and Bushtail the Fox.
   4. Doctor Rabbit and Grumpy Bear.
   5. Doctor Rabbit and Old Bill Horned Owl.
   6. Doctor Rabbit and Slinky the Black Wolf.

Hobbes, J. O. [Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie.]

   1. The school for saints.
   2. Robert Orange.

Hocking, J.

 The Great War (French Front) series:
   1. All for a scrap of paper.
   2. Dearer than life.
   3. The curtain of fire.
 The Great War (Greek Front) series: [:— for continuity?]
   1. Tommy.
   2. Tommy and the Maid of Athens.
   3. The price of a throne.