Page:A list of English & American sequel stories (IA listofenglishame00alfrrich).pdf/65

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Scott, J. R.

   1. The Colonel of the Red Hussars.
   2. The Princess Dehra.

Scott, Sir W.

   1. The monastery.
   2. The abbot.
 Chronicles of the Canongate include:—
   Chrystabel Croftangry.
   The Fair Maid of Perth.
   The Highland widow.
   My Aunt Margaret's mirror.
   The surgeon's daughter.
   The tapestried chamber.
   The two drovers.
 Tales of my landlord include:—
   The Black Dwarf.
   The bride of Lammermoor.
   Castle Dangerous.
   Count Robert of Paris.
   The heart of Mid-Lothian.
   The legend of Montrose.
   Old Mortality.
 Tales of the Crusaders include:—
   1. The betrothed.
   2. The talisman.

Scudder, H. E.

   1. Doings of the Bodley family in town and country.
   2. The Bodley telling stories.
   3. The Bodleys on wheels.
   4. The Bodleys afoot.
   5. Mr. Bodley abroad.
   6. The Bodley grandchildren and their journey in Holland.
   7. The English Bodley family.
   8. The Viking Bodleys.

Setoun, G. [T. N. Hepburn]

   1. Barncraig.
   2. Sunshine and Haar.

Sewell, E. M.

   1. The journal of a home life.
   2. After life.

Shafer, Mrs. S. A.

   1. The day before yesterday.
   2. Beyond chance of change.

Sharber, K. T.

   1. The annals of Ann.
   2. At the age of Eve.

Shaw, G. B.

 Note.—Sir H. Johnston's Mrs. Warren's daughter is a sequel to Shaw's Mrs. Warren's profession.

Sheehan, P. A.

   1. Geoffrey Austin, student.
   2. The triumph of failure.

Sheldon, C. M.

   1. In His steps.
   2. "Jesus is here."

Sheppard, A. T.

   1. The rise of Ledgar Dunstan.
   2. The quest of Ledgar Dunstan.

Sherman, C. L.

 Dot series. 4 vols.

Sherman, V. T.

   1. Boy scouts with Joffre.
   2. Boy scouts in the war zone.
   3. Scouting the Balkans in a motor boat.
   4. Capturing a spy.
   5. The runaway balloon.
   6. A lost patrol.
   7. The boy scout signal.
   8. An interrupted wig-wag.
   9. The call of the Beaver patrol.
   10. The perils of an air ship.

Sherwood, E.

 Boys and girls friend series:—
   1. Buffalo Bill, the boys' friend.
   2. Lucky, the young navyman.
   3. Lucky, the young soldier.
   4. Lucky, the boy scout.
   5. Mary Lee's friend.
   6. Mary Lee at Washington.
   7. Mary Lee, the Red Cross girl.
   8. Mary Lee, the camp fire girl.

Shillaber, B. P.

   1. Ike Partington.
   2. Cruises with Captain Bob.
   3. Double-runner Club.
   4. The Partington patchwork.
   5. Ike Partington and his friends.

Shirley, P. [S. J. Clarke.]

 Boy Donald series:—
   1. Boy Donald.
   2. Boy Donald and his chum.
   3. Boy Donald and his hero.
 Little Miss Weezy series:—
   1. Little Miss Weezy.
   2. Little Miss Weezy's brother.
   3. Little Miss Weezy's sister.
 Silver Gate series:—
   1. Young Master Kirke.
   2. The merry five.
   3. The happy six.