Page:A list of English & American sequel stories (IA listofenglishame00alfrrich).pdf/79

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Witwer, H. C. 1. From baseball to Boches. 2. "A smile a minute." Wodehouse, P. G. Piccadilly Jim series:— 1. Something fresh. 2. Piccadilly Jim. Psmith series:— 1. The new fold. 2. The lost lambs. 3. Mike. 4. Psmith in the city. 5. Psmith, journalist. Another series:— 1. The gold bat. 2. The white feather. Wood, Mrs. H. 1. The Channings. 2. Roland Yorke.

1. The house of Halliwell. 2. Red Court Farm.

1. Mildred Arkell. 2. St. Martin's Eve.

Johnny Ludlow. Six series.

Woodroofe, Mrs. A. T.

   1. Michael Kemp.
   2. Michael, the married man.

Woolf, B. S.

   1. The twins in Ceylon.
   2. More about the twins in Ceylon.

Woolley, L. T.

   1. Faith Palmer at the Oaks.
   2. Faith Palmer at Fordyce Hall.
   3. Faith Palmer in New York.
   4. Faith Palmer in Washington.

Worboise, E. J., afterwards Mrs. Guyton.

   1. Grace Hamilton's schooldays.
   2. Kingsdown Lodge.
   1. Mr. Montmorency's money.
   2. Emilia's inheritance.

Wren, P. C.

   1. Dew and mildew.
   2. The young stagers.

Wright, J. M.

   1. Making of a man.
   2. A made man.

Wright, M. O.

   1. Tommy—Anne and the three hearts.
   2. Wabeno, the magician.

Wyss, J. D.

   1. Swiss Family Robinson.
   2. Willis the pilot.

Yates, D.

   1. Brother of Daphne.
   2. Courts of idleness.
   3. Berry and Co.

Yonge, C. M.

   1. Bye-words.
   2. More bye-words.
   1. The chaplet of pearls.
   2. Stray pearls.
   3. Release.
   1. The daisy chain.
   2. The trial.

Young, C.

 Jack Ranger series:—
   1. Jack Ranger's schooldays.
   2. Jack Ranger's western trip.
   3. Jack Ranger's school victories.
 Motor boys series:—
   1. The motor boys.
   2. The motor boys overland.
   3. The motor boys in Mexico.
   4. The motor boys across the Plains.
   5. The motor boys afloat.
   6. The motor boys on the Atlantic.
   7. The motor boys in strange waters.
   8. The motor boys on the Pacific.
   9. The motor boys in the clouds.
   10. The motor boys over the Rockies.
   11. The motor boys over the ocean.
   12. The motor boys on the wing.
   13. The motor boys after a fortune.
   14. The motor boys on the border.
   15. The motor boys under the sea.
   16. The motor boys on road and river.
   17. Ned and Jerry at Boxwood Hall.
   18. Ned, Bob and Jerry on a ranch.
   19. Ned, Bob and Jerry at college.
   20. Ned, Bob and Jerry on firing line.
   21. Ned, Bob and Jerry bound for home.

Zangwill, I.

 Celibates Club series:—
   1. The Bachelors' Club.
   2. The Old-maids' Club.