Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/137

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Gloucester, in the eastern aisle of St. Peter's Church. This year also the daughter of Æthered Lord of Mercia was wholly deprived of the government of Mercia, and carried into Wessex, three weeks before Christmas; her name was Hælfwin.


This year, before Easter, King Edward ordered his people to go to Tofeceaster (Towcester), and to build a fortress there. And again this year, in Rogation week, he caused a fortress to be built at Wigingamere (Wigmore). And between Lammas and Midsummer, the troops of Northampton, and of Leicester, and of the country north of these places, broke the peace, and marched to Towcester, and fought all day against the town, and they thought that they should have taken it by storm, but the men who were within defended it until more aid arrived; and then these gave up the attack and departed. Again, very soon afterwards, they went forth by night on a secret expedition, and came unawares, and seized many prisoners and much cattle between Burnewuda (Bernwood forest) and Ægles-byrig (Ailesbury). And at the same time the army of Huntingdon and of East Anglia came, and built the fortress