Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/146

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the darts, departed in their nailed ships over the roaring sea—over the deep waters. They sailed for Dublin, and disgraced their land.

Then the brothers, the King and the Atheling, returned to their country, the West Saxon land. They left behind them the screamers of war, the birds of prey. The sallow kite, and the black raven with the horny beak, and the hoarse-voiced eagle devouring the white flesh, with the battle-hawk, and the grey beast the wolf of the wood. Never in this island had a greater destruction of men been worked by the edge of the sword, say the books of the Wise Elders, since the Saxons and the Angles came hither from the east—to Britain over the broad sea. Since those glorious Earls, who smote the Welch on the anvil of battle, and obtained their lands.


This year King Athelstan died on the 6th of the calends of November, forty-one years all but one day after the death of King Alfred; and the Prince Edmund succeeded to the kingdom. He was then 18 years old; and King Athelstan had reigned 14 years and 10 weeks.


This year King Edmund, the Lord of the English, the protector of his kinsmen, the worker