Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/153

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and tolls, so freely, that neither the King, nor the Bishop, nor the Earl, nor the Sheriff of the county, shall have any power there, neither any man, excepting the abbot alone, and those whom he may appoint thereto. And at the request of Bishop Athelwold, I give these lands to Christ and to St. Peter, to wit, Barwe (Barrow or Berk, Rutland), Wermington (Warmington, Northamptonshire), Æsctun (Ashton, near Oundle?), Kettering, Castra (Castor, Northamptonshire), Egleswurthe (Ailesworth), Walton, Withring-tun (Werrington), Ege (Eye), Thorp (near Kettering); and I empower them to have a moneyer at Stamford. And I herewith assign to Christ and to St. Peter the sac and soc, toll and team, and infangentheof, and all other rights attached to the lands, and to others belonging to the monastery. And I give two parts of Witlesmere (Whittleseymere) with the waters, the wears, and the fens, and so on through Merclade unto the river which is called the Nen, and so eastward to Cyngesdælf. And it is my will that a market be held in that town, and that there be no other betwixt Stamford and Huntingdon; and I will, that the toll should be given thus: first, from Witlesmere as far as the King's toll of Northmannes-cross (Normancross) hundred, and