Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/22

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This year Patrick was sent by Pope Celestine to preach baptism to the Scotch.


"At this time the devil appearing in the form of Moses to the Jews in Crete, engaged to lead them dry-shod through the sea to the promised land, and thus, when many had perished, the rest were converted to Christianity."


"Pope Celestine—In his time was held the Ephesian Synod of 200 Bishops, against Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople, at which Synod Cyril Bishop of Alexandria, presided.


This year the Goths took Rome, and never after did the Romans reign in Britain. This was about 1110 years from the building of the city. The Romans reigned in Britain 470 years in all from the first invasion of Caius Julius.


"Pope Leo sanctioned the proceedings of the synod of Calchedon."


This year the Britons sent over sea to Rome, and begged for aid against the Picts, but they obtained none, because the Romans were going