Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/229

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a great famine this year; and this summer the fleet from the Humber sailed into the Thames, and lay there two nights, and it afterwards held on its course to Denmark. And Earl Baldwin died, and his son Arnulf succeeded him; and Earl William (Fitz Osbern) and the French King should have been his support: but Earl Robert came and slew his kinsman Arnulf, and the Earl; and put the King to flight, and slew many thousands of his men. +++

"In the second year after Lanfranc's consecration he went to Rome. Pope Alexander so greatly honoured him, that contrary to his custom he rose to meet him, and gave him two palls in token of especial favour: Lanfranc received one of them from the altar after the Roman manner, and the Pope, with his own hands, gave him the other, in which he himself had been accustomed to perform mass. In the presence of the Pope, Thomas brought forwards a calumny touching the primacy of the see of Canterbury, and the subjection of certain Bishops. Lanfranc briefly and clearly states that conclusion to which this affair was afterwards brought in England, in an epistle to the aforesaid Pope Alexander. This year a general council was held at Winchester,