Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/281

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fully received by all the people, excepting those in the castles which were garrisoned with King Henry's men, and these he made many efforts to win.


This year, at Christmas, King Henry held his Court at Westminster, and at Easter at Winchester. And soon afterwards the chief men of this land entered into a league against the king, both from their own great treachery, and through Robert Earl of Normandy who had hostile designs upon this land. And then the King sent out ships to annoy and hinder his brother, but some of them failed at time of need, and deserted from the King and submitted to Earl Robert.—At Midsummer the King posted himself with all his troops at Pevensey to oppose his brother, and he waited for him there. And in the mean time Earl Robert landed at Portsmouth twelve nights before Lammas, and the King marched against him with all his forces; but the chief men interfered and made peace between them, on condition that the King should give up all those places in Normandy which he then detained from his brother by force of arms; and that all who had lost their lands in England on the Earl's account should have them again, and that Earl